[20] You're alright*

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Kanao and Kanae had begun to eat first while Shinobu and Giyuu waited in the living room and had a quiet conversation on the couch in the meantime.

Kanae seemed to mellow out a tad bit while she ate the food provided by Giyuu, being hungry likely didn't help her mood from earlier, hence her attitude.

"And what do I do if she doesn't like me?" Giyuu whispered understandably worried after their earlier altercation.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing like that happens." Shinobu whispered in return attempting to reassure him.

This entire day was too much for Giyuu, first Shinobu's rather interesting "advances" and then her older sister suddenly showing up out of the blue and nearly killing him over a misunderstanding.

"Now that was good food. I've been eating garbage stuck at the airport for the past two hours waiting for my luggage so real food tastes great." Kanae said to herself while leaning back into the dinner table chair like she had just eaten a whole buffet in one go.

The pair stopped talking as the sound of Kanae getting up and putting her plate in the sink could be heard.

Kanae went and took Kanao back to the bedroom after they were both done eating and came back to come talk to the two of them.

She immediately seated herself onto the floor near the small coffee table and crossed her legs waiting for them as they got off the couch and onto the floor as well.

"You said you've been together for a month and a half?" Kanae asked for confirmation.

"Approximately." Shinobu responded.

"Sis, I need him to answer my questions now, not you." Kanae's commanding voice immediately silenced the little woman.

"How much exactly do you know about Shinobu and Kanao?" She asked directly staring into Giyuu's eyes.

He held their eye contact as he answered.

"Enough to understand what they went through."

Kanae's facial expression changed to one a bit more somber in nature.

"So she told you, about what happened?"

Giyuu was about to answer but paused as he could feel Shinobu's hand grab his and squeeze it tightly.

He peered over at her for a moment, she looked visibly nervous, likely from having to bring "this" topic up.

"If my little sister told you then you should know why I would be skeptical of you? Right?" Kanae asked staring daggers into his eyes.

Giyuu's hand that was placed on the table visibly tightened into a fist.

He hated what happened to her with every ounce of his being.

"I do." He replied hiding his immense anger.

"We already talked a little beforehand when I kicked you out so I know who you are. Just know what I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this room." Kanae said a little menacingly like she was warning him else their be dire consequences.

Her words made him a little afraid but attentive at the same time. What she could likely do to him if this secret every leaked was something he didn't want to imagine.

Kanae took a long pause as she breathed in audibly, the anger on her face wasn't mostly concealed but still shone through in places.

"That day, after "it" happened, I remember it all too vividly..... I was in my college dorm...... in a whole other country already. I was hardly even settled in, my box's were still being unpacked at the time."

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