Chapter 1

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Finn strode through the hallways with his girlfriend, Rachel Berry, on his arm.

"Okay, I have to talk to Mr. Schue about a solo for Sectionals; I'll see you later."

"Okay." He smiled as she kissed his cheek.

"And Happy third dating anniversary!" Rachel said before walking away. Finn's eyes widened.

"Uh oh...this is bad!" He said to himself and took off running.

Kurt stood at his locker, spraying his hair with hairspray.

"Hey!" He heard a voice call and turned around to see his boyfriend, Blaine Anderson, "I have a present for you." Blaine smiled with his hands behind his back.

"A présent? Pour moi?"

"Here." Blaine held out a small box with a red ribbon. Kurt took the box and opened it; inside rested a brooch, a black bat with red diamonds encrusted.

"I thought it would go good with your Halloween outfit."

"Blaine, I love it. Thank you." Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine but was interrupted by Finn running toward them.

"Kurt, I need your help!"

"With what? What's wrong?" Kurt said, trying not to roll his eyes

"It's mine and Rachel's third year dating anniversary-"

"Oh, congratulations." Blaine smiled.

"There's only one problem with that, I uh...."

"You forgot, didn't you?"

"Yes, I forgot, and now I have nothing to give her, and I'm supposed to do something with her tonight, and I don't know what!"

"Calm down, Finn; just get her something nice, like some flowers and maybe a nice piece of jewelry."

"Maybe a teddy bear," Blaine suggested

"A bear? What is she five?"

"No, but I still have the stuffed dog Kurt got me. The thought counts the most, not the gift itself."


After school, Finn and Kurt went to the mall, bought a few things for Rachel, and then drove home.

"Wait, I thought you were driving me to Rachel's?"

"I told her to come to our place. She said she'd be waiting in your room."

"Oh. Well, thanks for helping me, dude."

"No problem, now kiss and makeup because she isn't happy."

"How do you know?"

"She texted me." Kurt pulled out his phone and opened a text that was from Rachel.



"Good luck. I'll be at Blaine's." Kurt said, then drove off.


Finn went upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door. Rachel climbed off the bed, opened the door, and was face to face with a teddy bear that Finn was clearly holding; he began talking in a tiny voice.

"Hi Rachel, my name's Teddy, last name Bear. Your boyfriend wanted me to tell you that he loves you very much and that he's very sorry, but he sometimes forgets things." Finn moved the bear from his face to see that Rachel was still unhappy.

"Happy Third dating anniversary!" He smiled and held the teddy bear to her.

"Happy Third dating anniversary." She sighed

"This is for you." He handed her a small box. She hesitantly opened the box to see a gold bracelet with a charm of a star, a small diamond charm, and the letter R for her name.

"Heh, you like it; Teddy helped pick it out."

"It's beautiful...." She said sullenly

"And these are for you." Finn pulled out a bouquet of pink roses.

"I suppose Teddy helped you pick these too?"

"Maybe. Teddy's got a good eye, doesn't he?"

"Just say that Kurt helped you." She scoffed, and Finn walked into the room.

"Come on, Rachel, I said I was sorry,"

"And I accept your apology, but do you have any idea how long I waited for you at Breadstix? The waitress gave me free breadsticks to go because she felt sorry for me!"

"I'm sorry, Rachel,"

"And it isn't just that, Finn, you missed three rehearsals for our ballad for Glee Club. It's like you don't care anymore!"

"I do care, Rachel!" Finn sighed, but then he got an idea.

"Hey, remember that trip we planned with Kurt and Blaine?"

"To New Orleans? Yes."

"Well, what if we take it a little earlier? We've saved up enough. So, let's go this weekend."

"You're serious?"

"Let's make sure they're up for it."

"Oh my gosh, Finn! Yes, let's call them right now!" Rachel exclaimed, jumping into his arms.

"I kinda need my arms to call them." Finn laughed as he released Rachel and planted a quick kiss on her lips.

At Blaine's house, he and Kurt were enjoying their date night, watching Moulin Rouge and cuddling on Blaine's bed.

"Cheesecake bite?" Blaine held the small cheesecake to Kurt, who gladly let Blaine feed it to him.

"Mmm, I love Cheesecake, even if it's tiny!"

"I know that's why I got these."

"You know what I love more than cheesecake?"

"Hmmm, I think I might know." Blaine smiled as he leaned in to kiss Kurt, but Kurt's phone began to ring.

"Ugh, hang on!" He moved towards his phone and saw it was Finn calling; his eyes rolled, hitting the answer call button.

"This better be good, Finn!"

"Are you with Blaine right now?"

"No, I'm sitting alone at my boyfriend's house; what do you think?" Kurt answered sarcastically.

"Put me on speaker. I got to talk to you and Blaine."

"Can't this wait?"

"No! Put me on speaker now!"

"Okay, give me a minute, jeez." Kurt sighed and pressed the speaker button.

"Okay, you're on speaker."

"Okay...remember that trip we've been talking about?"

"The one I had to beg my dad to even consider letting me go?"

"Yes, that one."

"What about it?" Blaine asked

"What if we went this weekend?"

"Huh?!" Kurt and Blaine said in unison

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