Chapter 9

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"I can't let him go by himself." Kurt sighed

"Kurt, no, you can't."

"I know my brother. He won't know what to look for. I'll be fine." Kurt rested his hand on Blaine's face

"If I hear anything, I'm coming in!"

"I won't be gone long, twenty minutes tops," He said, then kissed him quickly and went inside.

"Okay, now what did that gypsy lady say? I had to find...a crypt...a black crypt? No-it was, it was a crypt...."

"A crypt without a name!" Kurt said from the stairs, startling Finn.

"Dude! What the hell is wrong with you?! I told you to stay outside!"

"I was worried you wouldn't find it. And I was right. She said, 'Find a black crypt with no name, or soon your fate will be the same.'"

Finn turned and saw a black crypt that had no name.

"That must be it."

"Good hunch Finn," Kurt said sarcastically.

"Easy on the sarcasm, Mr. I have a Latin-speaking boyfriend. Just hold this." Finn said, handing Kurt the torch.

"Let's get this over with," Finn grumbled, pushing the crypt open to see a decaying corpse lying inside.

"Oh god..."

"I think I'm gonna be sick...." Kurt said

"Um, excuse me, I just have to...." Finn reached in and grabbed the key, nearly retching.

"There, got it! Alright, let's go." Finn said, taking the torch from Kurt.

"You know that gypsy chick had me thinking that this was gonna be hard? That wasn't that hard." Finn said, then suddenly heard something behind them.

"Finn... what was that?" The two quickly turned around and saw the dead man rising in the crypt.

"Oh crap!" Finn exclaimed, and the key slipped out of his hand and into the water!

"Crap! Crap! Go get the key; I'll take care of him!" Finn exclaimed, and Kurt immediately climbed into the dirty water, despite how much he didn't want to.

"Hey you, back in your bed, go back to sleep! I just need the key, that's all I need, just---alright, you asked for it!" Finn exclaimed, swung the torch like a baseball bat, and knocked the corpse into the water.

"I'll bet you'll think twice before coming back from the dead!" He exclaimed, then moved to the bridge.

"Did you get the key?"

"I'm looking!" Kurt exclaimed irritated.

"Just keep looking, I-" Finn was interrupted by the sounds of coffins dropping and corpses emerging from their tombs.

"Kurt, you better look faster!"

"Ooh, I don't want to do this." Kurt groaned, held his breath, and went underwater, swimming around and looking for the key.

Finn fought back against the undead corpses, but more and more were coming, even breaking through the walls!

"Kurt, hurry..." Finn whispered

Kurt finally located it resting on a rock, he reached forward to grab the key, but something caught his wrist. It was one of the corpses!

Kurt screamed loudly, broke free from its grasp, and swam to the top. More of the growling corpses approached him, and Kurt's screams echoed as he was pulled underwater.

"Kurt!" Blaine screamed as he ran in and saw the corpses pulling Kurt underwater.

"Kurt!" He jumped into the water and saw the corpse holding Kurt down. Blaine quickly swam to him and forcefully broke the skeleton's arms off, and he wrapped his arms around Kurt and helped him swim to safety.

"Finn!" Blaine exclaimed. Finn ran over and pulled Kurt out of the water.

"The key," Kurt said, coughing.

Blaine dived back under and grabbed the key. He was swimming to the top when a corpse grabbed his leg, and Blaine kicked it until it released him, then made his way to the top.

"I got it!" Blaine said, holding the key; Kurt grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the water with help from Finn

"Come on, let's get out of here!" Finn exclaimed as the three ran up the stairs, the corpses following them.

"Go! Go! Go!" Kurt exclaimed, and the three of them closed the door.

"Oh god...that was close...Kurt, you okay?" Finn asked Kurt, who was being comforted by Blaine.

"I think so... let's get the key to the gypsy lady."

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