Chapter 11

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"There is just one more room I wish to show you," Gracey told Rachel as he opened the double doors.

"The ballroom."

"It's beautiful, so elegant, much bigger than the gym at our school."

"This house has waited so long to have its shroud of darkness lifted. And tonight, for the first time in so many years, I believe it may be possible the story will finally end differently."

"Rachel, do you believe that love is about second chances? About forgiveness?"

"Yes, I do," Rachel said. Mr. Gracey walked up to her.

"Don't you remember me?"

"Remember? Mr. Gracey, are you alright?"

"Don't you recognize me at all?"

"Mr. Gracey-"

"I thought you would have remembered when you returned to Gracey Manor."

"Remember what? Mr. Gracey, you're scaring me!"

"Where it happened, where we spent our last moments together." Mr. Gracey said, grabbing onto Rachel's hands. She looked around and saw many spiritual ball dancers,

"Where we danced together for the last time before you...."

"Before you killed yourself!"

"Let me go!" Rachel screamed.

"Why do you not remember? You were my world, my life! And I have loved you in death as I did in life!"

"I said, let me go!" She escaped Gracey's grasp and immediately began running out of the ballroom and up the stairs, only for Gracey to appear behind her.

"You are her. You are Elizabeth. You must be; can you not see it? Search your heart. I am your one true love, and now we can be together!"

"Elizabeth, please, you must listen to me!"

"I am not Elizabeth!" Rachel screamed running

"Please, I implore you."

"Leave me alone!"

"Elizabeth please"

"Get away from me!" She slammed the door behind him.

"She doesn't can't be her."

"It is her, sir." Ramsley said, "The gypsy woman prophesied her return, and now the time has come. You had best get ready."

"But she doesn't remember!"

"In time, she will, sir. I assure you." Ramsley said, then disappeared.

Rachel paced the room, attempting to call Finn, but was worried when he wouldn't answer, same with Kurt and Blaine. She sighed but felt relief when she saw Ramsley enter her room.

"Ramsley! Oh, Ramsley, you have to help me; there's something wrong. I can't reach Finn, Kurt, or Blaine! And- and Mr. Gracey-"

"Yes, I know, my dear, I know. He's expecting you; he's always been expecting you. And you haven't put on your dress yet." He gestured to the bed, and the lovely wedding gown rested on the bed, along with a pair of long silk gloves.

"We can't keep the master waiting."

"Waiting? Waiting for what?!"

"Why your wedding, of course."

"My wedding? I-I'm not Elizabeth!"

"Of course you are, my dear. You may not see it yet, but in time you will."

"What? You don't think I'll go through with this madness, do you?!" Rachel exclaimed, shaking her head.

"Oh yes, I very much do. You will do it, for the sake of your loved ones." Ramsley said in the mirror appeared an image of Kurt and Blaine banging on the door and screaming.

"Kurt, Blaine! You wouldn't!"

"Oh..." The image in the mirror changed to Finn on the ground with his eyes closed.

"I would."

"Finn!" Her hand clapped to her mouth and gently touched the mirror.

"Finn no!" She sobbed, then the image disappeared.

"The choice is entirely up to you; if not, I do fear for your friends."

"Wait!" Rachel called, "If I go through with this, if I m-m-marry Mr. Gracey... you'll let Kurt and Blaine go?"

"You have my word. Once the wedding has commenced, they will be released."

"Th-then...I'll do it." Ramsley walked out of the door. Rachel sat on the bed and began crying.

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