Chapter 3

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"This soup is fantastic, Mr. Gracey," Kurt said, eating the soup off of the spoon.

"Kurt's an amazing cook, so you should feel honored. Rarely anyone gets a compliment like that." Blaine said, biting into the chicken that was prepared with the soup.

"Thank you, Mr. Hummel, but I cannot take credit; I don't cook."

"Hmm, well, my compliments to the chef then."

"Mrs. Berry, what do you think of the manor?"

"Oh. I think it's wonderful, the attention to detail, the Italian influence, I've never seen anything like it. It's beautiful."

"Great care and love went into building this manor," Gracey said while not taking his eyes off Rachel. It was starting to make Finn uncomfortable.

"Well, I, for one, think that the manor is beautiful!" Kurt chimed in.

"I've always been into interior decoration. You should see my room compared to Finn's." He said; Blaine chuckled.

"This house is my inheritance. My birthright. But lately, it's become too much to bear."

"Why is that?" Blaine asked, taking a bite of the chicken.

"Because, Mr. Anderson. This house has a bit of...history to it. Tell me, Mr. Hudson. Do you believe in ghosts?"


"Do you ask all your dinner guests that?" Kurt raised his eyebrow

"Master Gracey, the storm has swollen the river."

"The storm has what now?" Blaine asked

"The flood has flooded the roads. I'm afraid there will be no leaving the mansion tonight."

"You all, of course, are welcome to spend the night here." Mr. Gracey offered

"That's very kind of you, but I don't think we should; we have plans." Rachel said

"I'm afraid that there is no other way. Ramsley will show you to your rooms." He said, standing out of his seat.

"This way..." Ramsley said, holding onto a candelabra.

The four stood out of their seats and followed Ramsley down the dark hallway.

"Is it just me, or does this place get creepier?" Blaine whispered to Kurt, who nodded. Ramsley opened a door with strange engravings on it.

"I believe, Mr. Hummel, that you and your companion will be comfortable in this room."


"Chill, man, it's just one night."

"Goodnight, Finn." Kurt sighed and grabbed Blaine's hand as they walked into the room together.

Rachel and Finn followed Ramsley to another room. This one was larger than the room Kurt and Blaine were sent to.

"I hope you and the madame find this room to your liking.

"Yeah, yeah, it's really nice."

"Is there anything else you require?"

"What, you gonna get us some chocolates?" Finn joked.


"You know they usually give little chocolates on the pillow," the door shut.

"Never mind..." he shrugged and turned to Rachel, who looked far from Happy.


"Hm, where do I begin? First of all, we shouldn't be here! We're supposed to be at our hotel by now."

"What, I'm supposed to control the weather?!"

"That's not the point!"

"What do you want from me, Rachel? Huh?! I can't do anything good enough for you! You're only happy with me when I give you expensive gifts!"

Rachel scoffed, removed the bracelet from her wrist, threw it at Finn, and stormed away.

"Rachel, wait! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that! Rachel! I'm sorry. Can you please open the door?"

"No, because if I do, I might slap you."

"Okay..." Finn sighed, then turned and immediately saw Ramsley!

"Oh god! You scared me."

"Pardon the intrusion Mr. Hudson, but the master would like a word with you in the library."

"Uh, okay, hey Rachel, I'm going to talk to Mr. Gracey real fast. I'll be back!"

Finn followed Ramsley down the stairs; the walls and lights were covered with cobwebs.

"Hey Ramsley, have you ever been to a tanning salon or something because your skin is almost paler than my brother's."

"Yes, very interesting," Ramsley said, opening the curtain to the library.

"Can I offer you something to drink, Mr. Hudson?"

"Ah, no thanks, man, I'm not much of a drinker. Ramsley, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, but just one...."

"What's with Mr. Gracey and all this ghost stuff?"

"You don't believe in ghosts, sir?"

"Hell no, they say you only get one life for a reason."

"Mr. Hudson, may I confide in you?"

"I'm not sure what that means but sure, confide away."

"The master is not well, Mr. Hudson. He must leave this house. I fear it is of the gravest importance, or I fear the very worst."


"The master will be with you shortly," Ramsley said

"Carry on," Finn said, and Ramsley walked away.

"Huh, I said carry on, and he left. That's funny." Finn laughed, then accidentally hit a statue and knocked its head off, only it did no damage. Instead, the bookshelf slid open, revealing an empty hall.

"What the?" Finn said, walking towards the room.

"I wonder where this leads to?" He asked himself, only to find the bookshelf closing behind him!

"Hey! Hey!" He ran to the back of the shelf and began banging on the door

"Hey! Let me out! Someone! Ramsley! Anybody!"

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