My little sweetheart!

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What a joke of an offer but it could help...

I can finally see you out of the hospital again mom.

Now the thing is.... when will I get a reply for it?

The next day I send the letter in and since I lived alone in a huge house, most of the times, I would do something else. In this case instead of returning home isnce it was my off day, I went ahead and visited my mother. She was still hospitalised but she was doing okay nowadays. There was no telling what tomorrow would bring tho. This was why she was in a hospital sometimes even if she was doing fine.

However today was also the day I wanted to tell her what an offer I got. If it was a show they wanted then I would give them that in order to safe my mother from whatever she has now.

Before I went to the actual hospital, I bought some flowers which I knew were not harmfull to her because she had a lot of alergies but these ones were flowers she loved. Next thing I bought a glass flower too. My mom loved flowers soo much but unfortunately thanks to the weak lunge as well as her allergies she had, she wasn't allowed near all flowers.

Me: Hewo mom!

I can finally see ya after 3 days.

I am soo glad you are doing better now.

Thank god it was nothing too harmfull...

I was soo worried the last 3 days.

Mom: Hewo my little bunny.

Me: How are you today?

Mom: Good how about you?

I could see her pale face but she didn't seemed to be in pain or anything else. In fact for me she looked lively as a poor woman could actually look like who was bedridden for the last 3 days. All in all, I was just happy to see her again.

Me: I brought you some flowers again. 

Mom: You know you don't have to waste money on that.

Me: It's fine mom. I am doing this cause I want too and don't worry about the money. You know I earn a lot.

Mom: I know.

Me: Mom, how about going back to Japan?

Mom: Where did this come from all of the sudden?

Me: I got a letter yesterday and a great offer.

Mom: From Japan? 

Me: Mh!

Mom: Who send you the letter?

Me: Hero commission.

Mom: WHAT?!

Me: Calm down mom. Nothing bad was written inside.

Mom: But honey!

Me: Hahaha mom, they chose me for a promotion program of their heroes. 

Mom: OHHH.. Oh my! I am soo happy for you.

Me: Yeah... it sounds amazing but mom, I don't want to leave you here.

Mom: I am fine here bunny.

Me: But mom, I can actually get you a place there too! 

Mom: Izu, you don't ha-

Me: I know but I want too. So would you mind coming with me?

Mom: *sigh* I will always go with you no matter where.

Me: Thanks mom.

I promise you that everything will get better!

There will be great medics who will try to fix your health.

I promise!

While I hugged my mother, I felt her warmth and every bit of love she had for me. She was a great mother and I didn't know what to do if she would one day dissapear. So I was really happy knowing she would come with me to Japan. Now all I had to do was really wait for the letter and I had a feeling that the letter would go through the Japanese Ambassadors hands. I mean this was the only explanation as for how this letter came soo fast. It had a time stamp on it from 2 days ago as well.

Mom: What do you have to do?

Me: Oh I am paired with a hero.

Mom: You know which one?

Me: Someone called Dabi.

Mom: You love heroes soo much, I am sure you know more about them.

Me: I loved them mom. Loved, not anymore. I don't care about them.

Mom: oh... right... I am sorry for that.

Me: Don't be! Thanks to that, I found my passion in music and singing.

Mom: You really don't recent me for this?

Me: NOOOOO How can I! Mom you are the best! I will always love you!

Mom: Awww you are my little sweetheart and always will be my little sweetheart.

Me: Yup!

After this small talk, we started talking more about Japan and how my mother used to remember the place. I told her about some new songs I was coming up and prepareing as well. It was just an amazing day with her. This was something I was missing soo much everytime I came home and finding nothing but silence in the house. 

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