Look at me!

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Finally we got to the beach and they were all there. In fact they started right before us and I was kinda happy when I saw the beach. It looked nice but really dirty. Not only were we singers and heroes there but a lot of civilians too. That just showed the power which entertainment had on people.

Me: Dagobah beach huh.

Dabi: Dirty as always.

Me: But we can turn this upside down.

Dabi: Oh really?

Me: Yes.

Dabi: Why do you even care?

Me: This is our fault not natures. So why not?

I think he got the point because the moment we got there we started to do our business and used our quirks from time to time as well except me. I didn't wanted nor enjoyed using mine soo much. Still I had Dabi who used his as much as he wanted all around us. 

Me: That's enough. The sand is already hot as it is.

Dabi: How about we get out of here?

Me: Oho, why?

Dabi: Oh and why not?

Me: Because it's fun and we doing something good here.

Dabi: If you say so.

Me: You can go if you want.

Dabi: I won't leave you alone.

Me: And why not?

Dabi: I took a liking to you.

Me: Oh really now.

Dabi: Yes how about you?

Me: Dream on!

With that I pushed him playfully away from me. I was soo used to do a show and this was one of it, because the next thing I did was run and climb up an old broken down car which was righ here.  Of course everyone was looking at me by now. Did I care? NOPE!

A/N: NEONI - Giants

Anywhere, anytime, anyplace
Like a moth into a flame
I consecrate the pain

The moment I started to sing, it was honestly fun and getting quiet while Dabi came over to me and climbed up to. He used his flames around me while I started to use mine just slightly. This was my answere to his questions. Why was I doing all of this? Becuase I was fighitng for who I was. We were giants in a never ending war of history. 

Move with glory through my veins
A gambler tempting fate
'Til nothing's in my way
I'll put them in their grave

Dabi: You know, you can give me a chance.

Oh can I now?

Question is why should I?

I do not know you.

From all I know is that you were avoiding me on purpose.


As soon as I started this song, Dunes came in and continued it. We were all here after all. Besides the people also were energetically listening to us while we jumped around the place cleaning up having our fun with it. Dunes as the name suggested could manipulate sand and so he quickly was one to clean up a lot of mess. 


Still this was my song and as it stands of now, only dunes was remembering the lines but also not completly. The others were all looking at the two of us pissed because I managed to take the lead.

Let me lace up my boots
'Cause I'ma slay some giants
I'ma slay some giants (oh-ooh-ooh)
Let me lace up my boots
'Cause I'ma slay some giants
I'ma slay some giants (oh-ooh-ooh)
Let me lace up my boots
'Cause I'ma slay some giants

Oh damn they gonna hate me more after this. 

I was ready for anything but not this. As I was jumping around and doing my thing with Dabi around me, all of the sudden something weird happened which made me fall down pretty badly. Something was pulling me too which should be pretty impossible but I could hear Thorn laugh the moment I hit the ground. To my luck, there were shards on the sand.

Dabi: SHIT! I am getting you to a hospital.

Me: I am fine.

Dabi: Says the one who is bleeding.

Me: Dabi, I really am.

Medics that were on standby as well as some staff memebers from the hero commission were already running towards me while I assured everyone I was fine. IF I knew one thing then that was never to give them the satisfaction they wanted plus this was some great PR for my own hero Dabi.

Me: Dabi, I really am not put me down again.

Without even thinking twice, Dabi did pick me up and carried me to one of the camps that were set up for us to rest. There they started to tend to my wounds and bandage them up. Of course I got a warning not to jump around today anymore. Still I was not one to give up on this event. So when I was about to go out and continue, Dabi was the one stopping me from doing so.

Dabi: You are not going out again.

Me: Why not? It's just a scratch.

Dabi: You are hurt.

Me: And you heroes get hurt all the time. So what? I won't die because of it.

Dabi: But!

Me: No Dabi. This is for the greater good plus the people will feel more encouraged to help us out.

While I was here with Dabi I could already hear Thorn who started the next song for distraction but it was no good because when we got out again after a small fight, Dabi and I started cleaning the beach even more. People were definitelly more encouraged because it was starting to be quicker than normal and the all didn't let me go with heavy things. Oh how nice this was, especially the next part.

I was close to the water like Dabi and don't know why but I felt like this. Sooo I splashed water at Dabi before ending into laughing fit.

Dabi: This funny for you heh?

Me: Yeah hahahaha

Dabi: Alright then.

Before I knew it, he splashed back and this went back and forth till I tackled him down into the water. I was a mood at this point but who cares, this was fun. Honestly at the end of the day we were so wet that people could see basically everything sticking to our skin and I had to say Dabi was looking pretty hot with his built.

Dabi: You like what you see Kijin?

Me: Mh~ but who wouldn't Dabi. Look at all the girls staring at you!

Dabi: They are more staring at you than me.

Me: Oh really.

Dabi: Yes cause you are definitelly the cute one out of us.

Me: awww...

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