[1] Decision

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Everyone was now sat on the couches, out of there party stuff, even Alec's and Aly's parents were there.

Funneh had her hand on her chin, staring off in the distance.

Gold: I cannot believe this is happening. Just when we thought it was over.

Alec: I should've known. Yandere doesn't give up that easily.

Alec places his head on his palms. He was getting frustrated by the minute.

Gold: Well what now?

Funneh looks back up at everyone. She hits the couch, getting up. She started heading towards the stairs.

Funneh: Absolutely nothing.

Everyone watches as Funneh leaves up the stairs, disappearing behind the wall. In just that second, everyone slowly turns there heads towards Alec. I don't know what they expected. For Alec to juts magically read his own girlfriends mind?

Alec sighs.

Alec: She's just frustrated right now. I'll talk to her.

Alec stands up from the couch, heading straight up the stairs. Also disappearing around the corner.

He slowly approaches Funneh's door, giving it a light knock.

Alec: Funneh?

No answer.

Alec: Babe, may I come in? It's weird talking to a door. Feels like I'm in a Disney movie.

Funneh: Come in.

Alec slowly opens the door. Peeking inside, he seen her by her window, looking outside. Alec walks inside, shutting the door on his way in.

He walks to join her by the window.

Alec: Hey...Look, I know this is a lot to take in. It's difficult to...Have to live through such a- Scene, you know?

Funneh: Alec.

Alec looks at Funneh.

Funneh: It's not the fact I don't want to live through this again- But...I can't risk anymore people getting hurt. I almost lost you to MY fight. If I were to loose you...Yes, Yandere and I would go down together and no one would get the justice they deserve. You would have made a huge difference on the problem. Thing's would get handled differently. Just imagine if we loose anyone else. We would never escape this.

Alec sighs. He turns his body to face Funneh.

Alec: Funneh, come here.

Alec pulls Funneh in, letting her rest her head on his chest.

Alec: It wasn't us who saved you from Yandere that day...It was you and your quick thinking. Don't let yourself down. If one of us do die. We're counting on you to finish the problem for us.

Funneh: What...? You can't count on me for that.

Alec: But we are and we will. We love you a lot, Funneh. But you are not dying and letting Yandere get away. We aren't dying either.

Funneh looks up at Alec, she started crying from frustration and stress. Both Funneh and Alec slide to the ground. Funneh buried her head into Alec.


Rachel: I feel bad for Funneh. Yandere has been after her for months now. I can't even think about how she feels right now.

Gold: I know...Our move down here wasn't suppose to be like this. Wyoming is f*cking s*it.

Rachel sighs.

Rachel: Well, there's not much we can do about it.

Aly: Well...We can't just sit here and expect the police to catch her. She's a goner and she's after us.

♡Lemons // YHS (Book 2!!)♡Where stories live. Discover now