[16] Morning News

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Alice: Oh my god!! Everyone, wake the F*CK up!!

Funneh: What? Who what when were why and how?

Gold: Alice.....It's to early in the d*mn morning.

Alice: No one cares! Look at the news!

Funneh instantly shoots up. Hearing "Look at the news" was always a bad sign. Every time something liked that happened, it led to finding out Yandere escaped and was either pronounced dead or something.

News Reporter: The people who worked for Yandere, the girl who was pronounced dead just last night. Has made media as we found their entire DNA. They all go by Dylan, Celeste, Elijah, Prince and Sam.

Everyone's jaw nearly hit the floor.

Funneh: D-Did....She just say what i think she said?

Gold: Oh my god.....She did.

Kyran: What? That's impossible! Their complete whiny *ss b*tches! There's no way that they were in on this!

Alec: F*cking wow. Of course, they were. It all makes sense on why they haven't been to school for weeks now. They are so lucky to be in jail right now. If not, i don't think i'll take "beating" the same anymore. Might be a step more.

Rachel: Well then, guess it's a good thing there in jail and not roaming the street. So- Why stress?

Aly: Wait guys, shhhh!!

Aly points towards the Tv to which everyone looks.

New Reporter: We've got a few words. The same words, to be exact by the same two people. Prince and Sam. They said "You're quite lucky i'm in jail. If i weren't, Funneh and Gold would be dead right about now. But oh, trust me, i won't be locked up for long. Just you wait....Were coming for you". Well, that's a twist. Isn't that what all psycho people say? Don't worry. They won't be leaving this prison for a while.

Funneh clicks off the Tv.

Aly: Funneh?

Funneh: It's not that i'm scared of them...I'm more scared on the fact, they worked for Yandere. To which Yandere probably taught them how to escape prison.

Alec sighs.

Alec: Well, this time. I'm not letting them loose. Not again. They got away far too many times. We are now, forever staying as one. If you want one, your gonna take the other.

Kyran: Alec is right. After what happened, we can't risk anymore harm. Especially on you two. So, we take it safe with caution. Okay?

Funneh takes in a deep breath.

Funneh: You're right, you both are. I'm just going to, sleep on it for now. I don't think i got enough sleep last night. 

Funneh looks over at Gold.

Funneh: Anddddd it looks like Gold is way ahead of me.

Everyone laughs.

Alec: Well, you're more than welcome to continue sleeping here. I don't plan on moving any time soon.

Funneh: Great, then goodnight.

As Alec was turned on the arm rest. Funneh scooted up, making it look like she just completely fell asleep on his lap. Her head was layed right on his chest. Falling asleep nearly instantly.

Alice sighs.

Alice: Were counting on you guys to keep them safe. When my daughter could barely keep you safe, Alec. She was putting all fault on herself. She was eager to get you out alive. Her blood was boiling so bad, i thought she was going to explode right after Yandere sent her that video.

Alec: Yandere sent her a video?

Alice: Huh? You didn't know?

Alec: Uhm....No? I had no clue.

Alice: Oh. It was when Yandere had her phone on you, videoing everything that she was doing.

Alec: Oh my god...That was that one day. The worst beating i have ever gotten. I was hurting so bad. I was....actually crying. She videoed all of that AND sent it to Funneh?

Alice: Funneh was the only soul that opened the file and.....watched. I think she only watched half of it. She watched the rest when we all came running into her room after hearing a huge thud. We sat there and watched. We could barely even keep our eyes on the video.

Alec: Yandere sent a video to Funneh, one that would get to her the most? How the hell is Funneh even handling that s*it?

Alice: Uhm, it still gets to her. Just depends on what we talk about. Just...Be careful what you mention. Okay?

Alec: Okay...

Everyone sighs.

Rachel: Don't worry Alec. It'll eventually skid past her mind. In maybe just a few years. She won't even care because you know what? You're there with her. Unharmed. Not dead. So why would the past even matter anymore?

Alec: I guess you're right.

Rachel: Alec, i'm always right.

They laugh.

Alice: Well, since were up. Who here wants breakfast? More so, pancakes? Wait- Please tell me they have ingredients here.

Alec: Alice, no worries, they do, we went shopping not to long ago. Need help finding everything, i know where everything is at. Turning this whole place upside down.

Alice: Do you really?

Alec: Yup!

Rachel: Alice. I feel like Alec is never home anymore. He's always here. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew were Funneh hid half her stuff at.

Alec: I know all of that too.

Rachel: See?

Alice laughs.

Alice: Alright, i get it. I'll get to cooking.

So, within that time. Alice cooks an amazing, delicious breakfast. One that woke both Funneh and Gold up from there naps. 

But....The better part being, their having fun. Right?

(852 Words)

Short chapter again. I know. Lol. I didn't know what else to talk about or make them do. It was getting boring so i didn't want to get stuck. 

Also, prepare for the next chapter!!! We're jumping time!! Yes, the book is coming to its end early. But ohhhhhh, don't leave yet. You'll be shocked once you find out what's next.

♡Lemons // YHS (Book 2!!)♡Where stories live. Discover now