[10] Early?

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Funneh wakes up to Kyran trying to shake her awake. Very quietly so no one else in the house wakes up.

Funneh: Jeez, Kyran. What's your problem. I'm trying to sleep.

Kyran: No time! I just got a text from Yandere.

Funneh turns her body nearly fast.

Funneh: What?

Funneh reaches for her phone.

Funneh: Wait- I got a text too.

Funneh leans up in bed, Kyran sits beside her. Kyran looks at her terrified.

Funneh: Is it...Bad?

Kyran looks down then back up.

Kyran: See for yourself.

Funneh looks back down at her phone. Rolling in her lips in nervousness.

Funneh: It said she sent two attachments.

Kyran: Two? I only received one.

Funneh: What? What other business does she have with me?

Funneh opens up her chat. The first thing she seen was a photo. Funneh's eyes widened to the fact... It's not what she expected.

Funneh's breathing started to increase.

The photo this time, indeed had Gold and Alec in it. But- More there were more people in the photo. As you could guess, it was all of her other friends that she hasn't been in contact with for a week now.


Kyran: Funneh! Calm down!! Take in a deep breath, please, there's still another attachment.

Funneh closes her eyes, taking in slow deep breaths before opening up her eyes again to look back down at her phone.

Kyran: What is it?

Funneh: It's a...Video?

Kyran: A video? Hm. That's new. Open it up. I've never received any video.

Funneh: Do you think we're the only ones that received messages like this?

Kyran shrugs. Funneh sighs before retracing back to her phone. Clicking the video. The...Video was of Alec. But why? Within just that second. Her question was answered. Yandere out of nowhere swings a pocket knife at him. Slicing him on his cheek. She drops the knife in the video before punching him, knocking him to the floor along with the chair that he's tied to.

Funneh didn't have any second thoughts and threw her phone across the room. She cups her mouth with both her hands. Crying. Even if the video wasn't gruesome, it still traumatized her. It's her own boyfriend for god's sake.

Kyran: Funneh!!

Kyran looks over at Funneh's door, to which it gets shoved opened. Everyone came running in.

Alice: We heard all the commotion!! Is everything okay?!

Alice looks over at Funneh.

Alice: Funneh!

She runs over to her, face to face.

Alice: Funneh! What's wrong!!

Kyran: She's in shock. She won't answer you.

Alice spins her head fast to looks at Kyran.

Alice: What?

Bailey: Guys...I think this is why Funneh is in distress.

Everyone looks over at Bailey, holding Funneh's phone.


They were all sat on Funneh's bed. After watching that video and seeing the photo, they were all just...p*ssed and traumatized.

Alice: Why would she send that video to Funneh!! That's so f*cking messed up!!

Wyatt: Probably..To show her what's she's up against. This was probably to make her upset in a sense, I think she wanted an ACTUAL fight this time.

Alice: Couldn't she had found a better way to do so? Not send a video of Alec getting beat to s*it as he's defenseless.

Rachel grunts.

Rachel: Seeing my song get beat senseless isn't something you see every day. Which is why we don't have two weeks to spare. We need to do something NOW.

Funneh: Do we even have the plan sorted out that my mom was talking about?

Alice: Uhm...Sort of.

Rachel: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Alice: Wait, hold up now, we can't just...run straight into it. We don't even know what Yandere is planning for us, for my daughter. She's my only child, i'm not gonna make her walk into a room that we don't even know is CAPABLE of. For all we know, Yandere could have lied. I mean- Look at the photo she sent. So much for "I only want Funneh".

Rachel: Then what are we supposed to do?

Alice: I don't know.

Alice sighs.

Alice: ...Maybe we can get someone to snoop the area.

Alice looked at everyone that sat in silence. 

Aly looked around before raising her hand. Her mom immediately shot her head towards her daughter.

Aly: I can do it.

Rachel: Aly, to dangerous. Did you not just here Alice talk about her child, afraid of her going by herself even NEAR the base. She could die.

Aly: But so will Alec. I'm willing to risk it to find Alec. 

Rachel: Aly, you don't understand, i can't lose all my kids to the hands of...THAT monster. 

Aly: But mom!

Rachel: No Aly! A no is a no.

Aly looks down.

Draco: I'll do it.

Everyone looks over at Draco.

Aly: Draco? You're not doing it. Hell no. I'm not losing you like we already lost the rest!!

Draco: Aly...I have nothing else better to do. The least i can do is to make sure everyone is okay.

Aly runs her hands through her hair.

Aly: I...I got to go.

Aly turns away and jogs out the door. Draco looks over at Funneh, nodding before running after Aly.

Funneh sighs.

Funneh: Clearance from Draco. He's our spy till we find out what to eventually do with the plan. But...Till then, i have to be prepared. We're going in early.

Funneh gets up, leaving her room.

Alice: Going in early? Wait- Funneh!

Alice gets up, running after her. Rachel looks over at everyone else, shrugging before shortly running with.

(870 Words)

Short chapter, I know, but I'm too tired to carry fully through.

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