[12] We win...?

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Funneh grabs out her phone, clicking on everyone to FaceTime.

They all picked up.

Alice: What's up Funneh?

Funneh: Call the police in.

Rachel: What? Why?

Funneh: I'm going in. I can't stand knowing the fact there being hurt inside. Like what you've said Rachel, we don't have two weeks to spare.

Alice: Have you've lost it Funneh? Your not going in!

Funneh: But I can. If you don't call the police, I will.

Alice sighs.

Alice: Fine. But I better see you come out of that bunker alive.

Funneh: I can't promise anything. But I'll try.

Everyone goes silent.

Aly: Funneh... Please save them.

Funneh: ...You can count on me.

Funneh leaves the call. She looks back over the roof before sighing.

Funneh: F*ck...I hope the police comes soon, or I'm going in there right away.


Half an hour later passed of trying to talk the police into this. They came down. They parked there cars far from the known spot. Everyone comes down the buildings, walking towards the police in the Alleyway.

Chief: So, who exactly is going in there?

Kyran: Funneh is. She has a mic and a alert button.

Chief: An Alert button?

Kyran: Yeah, for if something doesn't go as plan. She'll push that to alert us or if... something happened then she will. You'll hear everything through the mic as well.

Chief: Hm. Very well. All my people will be spread out across this fecenity so no one can run.

Kyran: Understood.

Funneh sighs.

Funneh: Now that you guy's are here. I'm going in.

Alice: Sweetie... Please don't get hurt.

Funneh: ...I promise.

Funneh turns around and starts slowly walking towards the bunker. She does one more glance over at everyone before looking back. She takes in a deep breath before banging on the door.

Funneh stood there for a second before the door slowly opens. It was of course Yandere.

Yandere: Welcome. So glad to see you can make it early. Come on in.

Funneh peeps no words and follows Yandere in.

Yandere: When I show you everyone. I won't depart them to you till...I show you one more thing.

Funneh: What?

Yandere: Just follow me. Oh and btw, I really love your outfit.

Funneh: Uhm, thank you...I guess.

Both Yandere and Funneh makes it down the hallway, till they reached a specific door.

Yandere opens it up.

Yandere: After you.

Funneh looks at Yandere before sighing and walking inside. There...She seen everyone lined up in a line, tied to a chair. Though, there mouths weren't Duck taped. Something doesn't seem right.

Funneh's heart started to race. The urge to call out to them. Yandere walks in front of Yandere. Funneh stood in the middle of the room. Yandere's back was turned towards her. She was a few feet away from Yandere.

♡Lemons // YHS (Book 2!!)♡Where stories live. Discover now