[19] It's Happening.

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Funneh quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at Alice. Just a normal instinct.

Alice: Ow! Hey! 

Funneh rolls over to face Alice.

Funneh: How the hell did you get into my home?

Alice: Uhm-

Funneh lifts up her finger in a quiet manner before she sits up.

Funneh: I swear, did Alec let you in again? 

Alice: Maybe?

Funneh grunts.

Funneh: He minus well start inviting strangers in too.

Funneh plops back down on her bed.

Alice: Oh my god, you're so dramatic. Get up and go get ready. I was informed to get you to your...Photography session in just 2 hours.

Funneh: It's literally 8 in the morning. At least let me sleep in for another hour.

Alice: No. Because you and me are going to go get coffee before. Okay?

Funneh: It takes an hour to go and get coffee?

Alice: Oh my god, stop asking questions and go get ready!! Chop chop!

Funneh gets up. She stumps her way over to her vanity chair, grabbing her dress before heading straight into her bathroom.

Funneh: Can't believe i'm being told what to do in my own house.

Alice: Well, if you stopped being stubborn, i wouldn't have to tell you what to do. After this, i promise to leave you alone for a while.

Funneh: Make it a month. Actually- No, make it 2 months.

Alice: Funneh! That's not funny!

Funneh starts laughing.  Alice sighs.

Alice: I raised a cruel, dark, horrific kid. What am i going to do with you. Anyways, i'll go get my car warmed up. I expect to see you in the living room soon.

Funneh: Okay, I guess, totally normal to wear a full blown prom dress to take photoshoots in. To mind you, my very first dress I ever worn near Alec.

Alice laughs.

Alice: Trust me. You won't be disappointed.

Alice leaves the room. Funneh opens up her bathroom door. Staring as her door shuts.

Funneh: What type of photoshoot is this?

Funneh sighs.

Funneh: Whatever. Let's just get it over with.

Funneh walks over towards her vanity to apply at least some makeup. Funneh only knew some of the basics Gold taught her. Hopefully that'll come a little handy.

Funneh gets up a few minutes after. Looking at her makeup in the mirror.

Funneh: Hm. Not bad. Could've been better.

Funneh shrugs before she goes and leave her room, shutting the door on her way out. She makes her way downstairs to were Alice was waiting at.

Alice: Welcome, well- Are you ready?

Funneh: Ready to go get my coffee at 9:45 am, wearing an unnecessary dark blue dress made for prom.

Alice rolls her eyes.

Alice: I promise we'll be quick, then we'll get to were you need to be. After, you are more than welcome to take off your dress afterwards.

Funneh: Thank God. Okay, let's go.

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