Day 1, Prompt: Date

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Author's Note: Thank you for joining Huntlow Week with me! I chose "Date," so in the "one-shot" Hunter and Willow are going on their first date together.

This is set after the (would be) End of the Series and is in the Human Realm. Enjoy and Stay tuned for Tomorrow! NOT MY IMAGE, found of Google!

Hunter had always been one for adventure. Willow was always one for nature. The forest was the perfect place for a picnic. Now that there was a permanently open portal between the realms and Belos had been defeated, Hunter was at his happiest with his favorite girl by his side.

Hunter had finally confessed to Willow and she had mutual feelings for him as well, so he was ecstatic. Hunter had been able to finally sleep peacefully, thinking about her.

A week later, Hunter had surprised Willow with a small flower invitation through a small treasure hunt around the Noceda House. Willow had been quick to solve it because she had cut through the chase and found the final slip of paper in the Garden which she had been tending to.

"Of course Hunter! I would love to!" Willow exclaimed with glee. Her blush prominent on her face.

Hunter just stood like a statue as Willow crushed him in a big bear hug, unable to say something after previously overthinking  and believing she was gonna say no. Hunter's face and ears were scarlet and his galderstone was beating loudly inside him.

"Are you okay, Hunter?" Willow worried.

"Y-yep! T-totally fine!" Hunter stuttered.

About a week later, Hunter woke up super bright and early to the sun glowing through his bedroom curtains. He ate some delicious chocolate chip pancakes and always left a bit behind for Flapjack like he always did. Even though he was gone, Hunter always left a bite behind in remembrance. 

At around noon, he went to make some nice sandwiches, but he burnt the toasted bread. He also cut up some fruit, especially strawberries since they were her favorite, into roses, but it didn't look how the tutorial looked, and he packed some sweets into a nicely weaved basket.

Hunter folded up a blanket and grabbed some drinks and placed them on the counter, ready to go. Willow came down the stairs in one of Mrs. Noceda's green sundresses with pink flowers. Her long hair was braided in two parts like it always was and had yellow hair ties at each end for her boyfriend.

Hunter stared in awe at Willow with his mouth hung open. His face became furiously warm and his ears twitched in delight. "Qué Hermosa flor," Hunter muttered.

"W-What?" Willow giggled.

"P-pretty. I-I mean you look gorgeous!" Hunter slightly screamed. "Sorry, that was loud." Hunter hung his head low in embarrassment and he twiddled his thumbs.

Willow came up to Hunter and placed a hand on one of his scarred cheeks, "Thank you, Hunter. That's really sweet. Now, you gotta go get changed. You can't really go out into the forest in your PJs."

Hunter looked at himself in his yellow sweater and blue watermelon pants shocked, and his hair was also a mess. "I-I'll b-be right back!" Hunter raced up the stairs and tripped smacking his face, but he got back up and within a matter of minutes his hair was smoothed out and he had a nice white shirt and some khaki shorts on. But of course because of running with socks in the house, he slipped down the stairs too.

"Are you alright?" Willow asked, again.

"Ta-da!" Hunter posed as if nothing happened.

Willow laughed, covering her mouth. Hunter loved her laugh, it made him smile. Even though he hurt himself, the pain seemed to wash away with her smile. "Perfect. I'll go get the basket and we can get going."

Huntlow Oneshots for 2022 (Dec 4th-Dec 11th, 2022)Where stories live. Discover now