Day 5, Prompt: First Kiss

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Author's Note: Welcome to Day 5 of Huntlow Week. Sorry, but I will never pass up on a First Kiss story. I love first kisses especially in movies and TV shows. I loved the Lumity one, so let's make a Huntlow one.

Sorry if it's not as cool and hyped as it should be, but I tried my best. Sorry for bad writing and an Angst Warning. Love and Stay tuned for tomorrow! Image by vix285 on Twitter.

The Collector had been finally reasoned with due to King and Luz's persuasiveness, but there was nothing they could do about Belos. He was way too powerful now. 

It was very late in the evening, Eda was in her Harpy Form and Camila was with her Human Baseball Bat with Glyphs, defending against Belos while Hunter, Willow, Amity, Luz, and Gus were trying to regroup while in pain.

The others were off busy trying to help out the citizens, leaving the Hexside squad plus Eda, King, and Camila at a Tension's Head in the middle of the Forest next to the Clawthorne Family Home.

"Hunter!" Gus yelped.

Hunter rushed over to Gus. Gus was groaning in agony over by a nearby tree, clenching his right ankle. "Gus, are you okay?"

"I-I can't stand. Belos busted my ankle by throwing me," Gus explained. "The illusions won't keep him!"

Hunter picked up Gus and rushed him to beside the Cottage. "Mrs. Clawthorne(Gwendolyn) has some Healing Coven members inside. They'll heal you, stay here with King!" Hunter yelled as he ran off back to the fight.

Willow had her plant magic strangling Belos' body, trying to keep him at bay. Amity used her Abomination ropes to tie up his slimy arms. Luz trapped his legs in ice, but he was still stronger and resisting capture.

Eda tried to keep his knees to the ground with her bear strength in her Harpy form, but Willow accidentally slipped. The vines loosened and Belos smacked Eda and clawed at her wings. She screamed in immense pain as she was knocked back into Camila. They were both pushed into nearby trees.

Hunter walked towards Belos and time seemed to slow down. This was about to be the final showdown. Hunter had his new Cardinal Palisman: Flapjack Jr, in hand. He was shaking in fear, but he felt confident as he stepped forward towards him.

Belos caught sight of Hunter, he caught the sight of the young man who had betrayed him over and over. Just another replica of the one person he had trusted most in his life. Hunter was envisioned as his brother; brown eyes, slightly long hair, same facial features, and cheery attitude. Caleb was walking towards him again. 

Belos, enraged, burst into a manic tantrum. Amity's abomination ropes broke and Belos swiped at her. Her knees were scraped badly and her arms bruised. Luz was still scarred but more scars were forming. Camila hurried beside Luz to protect her, but Belos wasn't aiming for the human any longer.

Willow tried to keep Belos back, her feet sliding through the twilight grass. "No, no, no, no!" She whispered to herself. "I promise to not let him touch you, Hunter. Not again."

She glanced at Hunter. His brows were furrowed, a scowl across his face, a tight grip on his Palisman. He was ready to go one on one with Belos. She knew what was happening and what he was trying to insinuate. "Hunter! NOOO!" She shrieked with tears.

"Stupid girl!" Belos growled looking at the Plant girl, struggling. She fell forward at Belos' violent tug.

"Belos ENOUGH!" Hunter ordered. That got Belos' attention real quick.

It got eerily quiet. Everyone had gasped and King and Gus peered around a few trees to get a good look. Luz clutched to Camila's shirt and Willow and Amity huddled close. Willow was trying to get to Hunter but Amity pulled her back, crying into each other's arms.

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