Day 4, Prompt: Comfort

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Author's Note: Hiiiiii, and Welcome to Day 4 of Huntlow Week, just 3 days left. Enjoy today's Prompt of "Comfort," and stay tuned for tomorrow! Love!

I've based this one-shot after what's happened to me before, although it was with a friend so no romantic feelings were involved XD. Some days I'm just like Willow and need someone.

Image belongs to mewt254 on Twitter.

Today was a cloudy day, and I wasn't feeling right. I did my morning jog around the neighborhood trying to avoid the Humans at all costs. Then I lifted some of the weights left down in the basement, but they were heavier than usual, even though they were the same weight as yesterday.

Normally I loved gardening and the rain, but today I just couldn't get off the couch and get motivated to get the weeds out, seed the grass, or tend to the flowers. I was stuck in some clouded vision of unknown distress. The rain started to pitter-patter on the roof and awnings of the house.

I'm pretty optimistic, even on the worst days, but it just wasn't that day.

Gus and Vee were out hanging with her friends. Luz was at school and Camila was at her work healing animals. Amity was trying out the library again to find more info and learn about the Human realm. Hunter was down in the basement reading silently, but I didn't want to bother him and his Cosmic Frontier adventures.

I looked out the window of the front room, it was a black sky with the rain pouring hard. Then, I don't know what came over me, but I just started bawling. I didn't have a reason to, I was living in a nice home with good food, I had my friends and my Palisman with me, and I was mostly happy. But, I started crying anyways.

Maybe I was feeling homesick away from my Dads. Maybe I missed Flyer Derby with Skara and Viney. Maybe I just needed to cry because I haven't let loose since we arrived. Maybe all of those! I just wasn't feeling myself today.

Hunter came up the stairs with his book and had messy hair. He was in his pajamas; his yellow sweater and his blue watermelon pants. He was cute in that outfit. He had a smile on his face, but that expression immediately dropped when he saw me sulking on the couch.

"Willow, are you okay?" Hunter asked.

"Y-Yeah. I-I'm fine," I lied, trying to seem fine.

"No, you're not," Hunter saw through me. He sat on the couch right next to me. "What's wrong?"

I started to tear up again, but I tried to keep it together. I didn't have a reason to cry, but I just felt like I needed to. "I don't know. I just don't feel right today, next thing you know I'm trying not to cry in front of you."

"Do you need me to leave? Do you want some herbal tea?" Hunter asked, politely.

"No, no. That's okay," I dried my tears as they kept falling. "I don't know what's up with me. I think it might be the weather giving me a bad vibe today, or the universe is trying to get something out of me. Ya know?"

Hunter smiled at Willow and placed his arms around her with his head placed on her shoulder. His head was getting covered in her navy hair. "It's okay, just cry it out if you need to. I'm here for you if you want to talk."

I laughed and sniffled, "Thanks, I also just don't wanna seem weak."

"Luz said it's okay to cry. You're not weak," Hunter paused. "You're just... figuring things out and getting the bad feelings off your chest so you get that cleanliness of a good vibe. Kinda like a start-over without realizing it."

"Wow, I guess I just needed that. Thank you, Hunter," I said.

I placed my arms around him and snuggled my head into his chest. I focused on his heartbeat. It was fast and comforting, a soothing melody. Saying "it's gonna be alright. There's no worries."

Once I felt better and stopped crying, we pulled apart from our embrace. Hunter was blushing and flustered. He stuttered, "If you're okay, do you wanna... ummmm... Do you wanna read w-with me? Cosmic Frontier t-together? Maybe w-watch a movie? We can sneak some candy and snacks while Camila's out!"

I giggled at his awkwardness and thought about his offer. "Ya know what?" I inquired. "That actually sounds like a good idea, I'll grab some blankets."

"Cool!" Hunter gave me a thumbs up with a huge toothy grin.

I grabbed a Yellow blanket while Hunter grabbed a green one. Flapjack and Clover sat on the floor chirping and buzzing. We first started off with reading some of the Cosmic frontier book Hunter wanted to show me. 

Captain Avery finally found out that Chief Engineer O'Bailey was a clone from the bad guys' side, but he wasn't surprised and was super accepting of O'Bailey. He had no reason not to, given he had shown immense loyalty to the good side rather than the bad. 

O'Bailey had also met Keira the Botanist.  He's fallen hard for her. In fact we are similar in many different ways. We haven't exactly seen her side of her feelings yet in the book, but it's a nice, interesting for Hunter to explain the dynamics in the story and get all nerdy about his obsession.

Next, we snuck some lollipops and chocolate along with making popcorn before popping in a movie from the "Star Wars" saga. Hunter's choice, not mine but I enjoyed it. He always got more  excited during the lightsaber fights and the air attack scenes. He was flustered and antsy around the more romantic bits, but we enjoyed it, just cuddling and eating the food.

I snuggled into Hunter more and he tensed as I got comfortable. "Relax Hunter. It's okay," I reminded.

"R-Right. Right," He softened. He leaned into me and smiled. I felt warm and fuzzy, although that may have just been him and the blanket. Soon enough we both fell asleep, his arms wrapped around me in a bear hug and the Palismen squiggled in.

Now that's a great way to spend the afternoon. Just movies, books, and all out comfort.

1,032 Words Total. Thanks for Reading!

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