Day 2, Prompt: Flower Crown

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Author's Note: Hello Everyone and Welcome to Day 2 of Huntlow Week, out of today's prompts I chose "Flower Crown." I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for Tomorrow!

Image belongs to minibunniie on Twitter

Be sure to check out my other works too {I have a Prequel Owl House book focusing on Caleb and his Wife ;) and a Golden Guard x Reader One-shot book}

(Based off another One-shot I read somewhere on Wattpad and One of Rileyclaw's Huntlow animatics on Twitter)

Hunter awoke proudly on his 16th birthday. Today was a very special day for the young boy. First off, he's sixteen, nothing really better than that. Number two, he was finally able to fulfill the great position of Golden Guard.

Hunter looked up to the title the day he found out what it was. It was the Highest Position in the Isles next to his uncle's role as The Emperor. He trained for many years on end, all alone to himself. He wasn't allowed to really be around the other scouts unless it was for missions.

There, he was mentored by Steve: one of the Emperor's most loyal guards. He praised the Emperor as if he was just enough a God as the Titan himself. Of course he was, he could speak to him. Steve was like a father to him, much more than Belos ever was. He was the one to help him through the difficult tasks of the mazes with the traps and the brutal blizzards on the Mountain Knee. He was the one who taught him to stick together and how to keep warm in the cold. Belos was always off doing Titan-knows-what, leaving Hunter all alone. So he hung out with Steve to talk, or he was reading most days.

Some days he'd write in a journal and read to himself about his past adventures, some days he'd practice magic alone with his artificial staff, but most days he read. He'd read fabulous stories of the fictional, magical knights leaving on important missions, saving their kingdom from harm. He also read of the educational, magical observations left in his Uncle's Library. He'd read about the wonders of different magic like Potions and Musical Arts, but he was always astounded by Plant magic.

With plants you could do pretty much anything. You could build houses, have amazing defense strategies, heal people, and even impress or surprise someone. Flowers were his favorite, everyone loves flowers right?

Well not Belos, that's why the Coven Guards held secret parties in order to give each other Flower crowns when they got in. But Hunter, because he was Belos' nephew, didn't get that special treatment when he became a scout or even captain or any higher ranking he got. He was told that he didn't need flowers, they wilt within a few days and were useless and worthless.

Hunter prayed that Steve would've gotten him something like that, so he raced to get ready. First things first, the haircut. Hunter had a small mullet growing along with a strand that constantly stayed in front of his face. He used magic scissors to chop off the extra ends and buzzed the rest so he had a smooth undercut.

Next, he dressed in his new golden uniform. The armor was heavier than before and it glistened in the sun shining through his open window. His stark white cloak draped over his shoulders and he placed his new sparkling clean Owl mask before putting up his hood.

He glanced in the mirror and felt confident. "This is it," He said.

He went to the throne room and there stood the 9 Coven Heads and Belos sitting on his grand throne with the black, goopy heart thudding behind them. Hunter took a deep breath and strolled forward.

Darius, the Abomination Coven Head frowned, as the new predecessor walked forward and kneeled before the Emperor, he knew that the Guard would be so much responsibility and promised to himself to keep him safe from Belos' future plans. The previous Golden Guard had died at the hands of Belos, he was willing to do anything to keep Hunter from that fate.

Belos lowered his staff and proclaimed Hunter the official title of Golden Guard and he proudly stood smiling down at the child.

Hunter ran out to the hallways to find Steve. "Steve! Steve!" Hunter called.

Once he found him, he was ecstatic. "Steve! Are you ready for that secret Flower Crown initiation?"

"Sorry kid," Steve grumbled. "Belos found out about those, they're banned and the person who gives them to us was banished from the Coven."

"W-What?" Hunter stuttered.

"Again, I'm sorry. But hey!" Steve started. "You can always go into Bonesborough and see if some of the nice plant witches could give ya one!"


"Yeah, you're the Golden Guard. You should basically be able to do whatever, right?" Steve said.

"I-I guess.." Hunter said. With that Hunter took his staff and flew towards the capital.

Hunter flew overhead with the wind flowing through his cloak and found the Bonesborough market. Down below was a girl with slightly curled navy hair and glasses in an Abomination Track outfit for the High School.

The girl was carrying bags of food she'd gathered and suddenly she dropped them. Hunter immediately rushed to help her, but she used plant magic to help carry them. "Perfect!" Hunter stated, and flew down to follow her.

Hunter creeped silently behind her. She heard a noise and turned around, "Hm?"

Hunter hid behind one of the stands, when the girl didn't see anything, she walked off.

"Hey, get outta here!" The stand owner said.

"Sorry sir!" Hunter replied and rushed off to find the girl before he lost her. She kept walking forward and turned around every once in a while, knowing something was behind her.

She stopped abruptly and Hunter walked right into her. "Oof," Hunter said.

"I knew it! Why are you following me?" The girl asked.

"I'm so s-sorry, I-I didn't mean to bump into y-you. Ummm..." Hunter stuttered.

"What do you want? Spit it out!" The girl became angry.

"IjustwantaflowercrownbecauseIjustgotpromotedandIdidn'tgetone..." Hunter spat.


"I would like a Flower Crown, please? Everyone else got one when they got a promotion, but because I was... different, I didn't get one. I saw you do plant magic and figured to ask you. Also, it's my birthday," Hunter slowed down for her.

"Oh, ummm... okay. But flower crowns are the easiest bit of Plant Magic, couldn't you have done that yourself?" The girl asked.

"I didn't think about that, actually. Heh," Hunter rubbed the back of his neck.

"Anyways, here ya go. Enjoy yourself Mr. Guard, congratulations on your promotion." The girl drew a circle in the air and poofed a Flower Crown on his head.

It was the prettiest flowers he'd ever seen, even better than Head Witch Snapdragon's. "Perfect, thank you," Hunter waved goodbye.

"Your welcome, goodbye! And happy birthday to ya too!" The girls waved back.

The girl grabbed the groceries and walked off towards the village houses and Hunter headed back towards the castle, finally happy to get that Flower Crown. "She's so cool," Hunter muttered to himself, and his cheeks slightly turned pink. She was the only one to say Happy Birthday to him so far, and the only one to give him a gift. 

"Okay, now back to business..."

Hunter flew off back to the castle but as he looked in the mirror, he realized he lost it to the wind, "Oh come on!!!!"

1,219 Words Total! Thanks for Reading!

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