Day 7, Prompt: Family

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Author's Note: Welcome to the Final Day of Huntlow Week. As much as I love a good ol' Soulmate AU, I had the most amazing idea for the Family prompt! I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Image belongs to TurquoiseSpace on Twitter! (Go follow her!)

Willow was standing over by the fireplace. On the decorated mantel of Holly leaves and snowflakes, sat about a dozen photos. The rest of the Noceda Household and Family would be coming over for a Christmas dinner and she was feeling nostalgic.

Photos from her old scrapbooks sat in flowery frames capturing special moments of her childhood. One of the first ones was of Hunter, Gus, and her at one of the Human Realm carnivals.

"Who wants to take a photo?" Willow exclaimed, hopping into the lime green photo booth.

"Me! Me! I wanna do it!" Gus crammed in beside her. "I wanna do it!"

"Gus! Stop, you're gonna ruin my hair!" Willow laughed.

"Can I join you?" Hunter asked sheepishly, pulling on his shirt nervously.

"Of course! Get in here!" Willow grabbed Hunter by his shoulder and pulled him into the booth.

"Everyone say 'giraffes!'" Gus exclaimed.

"Gira-" The camera flashed three different times and they all made silly faces.

Another one was of her and Hunter tending to Camila's Garden of pink flowers, Hunter getting chased by the equally terrifying Human bees.

Willow sat next to one of the bushes with her Palisman; Clover resting on her head and Flapjack nuzzled against her.

Willow had a mini spray bottle in hand, full of water, when suddenly Hunter came running and screaming.

"WILLOW! HELP ME!" There was a huge swarm of bees coming after Hunter.

"Oh my titan! Hunter!" Willow chased after him. "What did you do?!"

"I just wanted some honey!" Hunter yelled.

"We can get some from the store, Silly! Slow down! They won't hurt you!" Willow slowed a little to catch her breath and eventually the Bees gave up on Hunter, but he was stung slightly.

He pointed at himself, sting marks over his face. He looked at Willow with a "really?" face. "You call this 'they won't hurt you?'"

Willow just giggled, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up..."

A few others were of Amity and Luz on their splice-of-life first date with swimming and milkshakes, Willow asleep in a weird position on a picnic blanket with Amity, Luz, and Vee giggling at her. There was also another with her, Amity, Gus, and Vee when they were exploring the Gravesfield Historical Society.

There was also a picture from Luz and Amity's Wedding in which she was a Bridesmaid for Amity and Hunter was Luz's Best man. Hunter and Willow were looking at each other in the photo, blushing.

Willow put a hand over her mouth, starting to tear up. Another photo was next to that. Willow and Hunter kissing each other at their wedding which was a couple years later. Hunter was in a nice black suit, made by Darius and Willow had an extraordinary gown made by Hunter himself, with Darius' help of course.

Willow walked down the aisle, trying not to cry before the "I dos." Her dads both by her side. Hunter had a geeky smile with Eda and Camila next to him.

Luz was the officiator of the Wedding and stood under the small arch of flowers where Hunter stood. When Willow reached the end, she and Hunter clasped hands and smiled.

They each said their respective vows and slipped on each other's gold rings. "I do," Willow weeped.

"I do, Captain," Hunter said.

Luz made eager jazz hands. "By the powers vested in me, by the Boiling Isles and the Human Realm, I now pronounce you Husband and wife. Bro, you may kiss your bride..."

Willow leaned in first, cupping Hunter's cheek. Hunter's lips locked with Willow's and they were officially married. Everyone cheered with lots of smiles and whistling, throwing flower petals everywhere. Willow had tears running down her cheeks and both she and Hunter ran to Clover and they flew off into the sunset, with ribbons tied to the staff.

At this point Willow was crying happy tears. Hunter walked into the living room with a red bundle cradled in his arms, "Captain, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, Sunflower. Just looking back at some old memories," Willow wiped her cheeks.

Hunter looked over at the farthest one, Willow had just finished getting out of the Healing Coven and Hunter had a hand around her waist. Hunter held a lavender colored blanket in his other arm and there was a tiny pink hand sticking out, grabbing his shirt slightly.

"Captain, are you feeling alright?" Hunter asked.

"Never better, Sunflower," Willow laughed with tears. They both looked down at their baby girl all swaddled in a blanket given to her by her aunties Luz and Amity.

"Hey Rosie! You're awake already, huh?" Hunter smiled as the child opened her eyes and yawned.

"Aww," Willow cooed.

"You are going to be loved so, so much! We will make sure to keep you safe and protected, but we'll still let you be yourself and find out who you are, on your own," Hunter said.

Rosie just smiled a little, obviously having no idea what her mom or dad was saying. Willow nuzzled a finger into her blanket and tickled her a little bit, "You little, pumpkin."

Rosie giggled and her laugh made Hunter melt. He cried so much that day, but in the end, it was worth it.

"Well, come on. We got some guests coming for Christmas!" Hunter said with excitement. "Would you mind taking Rosie? I gotta set out the presents for everyone."

"No worries, I got Rosie and our food!" Willow said, taking the blanket Rosie was wrapped in.

About 3 hours later, everyone came piling in through the door. Luz, Amity, Azura, Gus, Eda, Vee, Camila, Darius, Raine, everyone was all here!

Hunter was always emotional around the holidays. Before Luz and the incident in Latissa or Willow and the first Flyer Derby meeting at Hexside, he had no one. But now, He had many parents and parent-in-laws, siblings, and friends. Now he had a beautiful child and a wonderful wife who all loved him dearly.

All he wanted was to spend time with everyone, because time is precious and it's not about the gifts or the food really. It's about family and hanging out, catching up in life. Hunter looked to the mantel where one last photo of a friendly Red bird with a brown scar across his left eye, sat proudly.

"Happy Holidays, Flapjack..."

1,058 words total.

Please continue to another small message!

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