8. Friday.....

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"Connor please tell me you put White Claw Peach on the list." Briana pouted. "Please tell me we didn't forget them."

Connor ran to her rescue. "Babe, I'm sure we grabbed them." He grabbed their suitcases out the car. "Let just unpack and go through everything." He tried to calm her down.

I laughed at the couple grabbing my purple suitcase.

"Let me grab that for you." Chase came up from behind me.

I stepped aside smiling at him. "Thank you."

"Pretty girl like yourself." He wonk. "No problem."

I followed behind him, walking up the beautiful spiral stairs. It wasn't one of those creepy ones, it was a very fancy wooden cabin.

"I missed this place." Connor shouted running up the stairs. He stopped on the top step, turning around. "Remember the parties we use to have here?"

Ryan laughed. "Ohh... yeah."

Chase smiled grabbing my hand, leading us to the stairs. "We're going upstairs to pick our room."

"We're right behind you." Briana followed behind.

"Look at these rooms." I stated walking past about three bedrooms. We finally turned into one.

"You like this one?" Chase placed our luggage on the bed.

I nodded. "They're all Nice."

"LETS GO SWIMMING!" Ryan shouted from down the hall.

"Swimming?" I looked at Chase. "It's only ..." I pulled out my phone. "Sixty-two degrees."

"Sixty-two sounds good." He smirked.

"Dang it." I huffed pretending to slap my forehead with my hand. "I forgot to pack a swimsuit."

His smirk grew into a smile. "Thankfully, I packed you one." He walked over to his suitcase pulling out his blue trunks, and my matching two piece.

"Chase to the rescue." I gave him a fake smile.

He copied my fake smile walking up to me tickling my sides. "Come on. You don't want to miss all the fun." 

I laughed pulling away from him. I grabbed my bathing suit off the bed. "You're right. After all it is senior skip tomorrow ."

"That's my girl." Chase shouted as I walked to the bathroom.

I put my hair in two braids knowing it would be a mess afterwards if I didn't. I changed into my suite walking out the bathroom.

"Ready?" Chase looked at me smiling. He stood there shirtless with just his swimming trunks on. Damn he looked good.

"Like what you see?" He smiled walking up to me.

I nodded bringing my eyes back to his his. "Good. Because you look fucking hot." He spoke softly before bringing his lips to mine. We deepened the kiss, getting carried away. He laid me on the bed climbing on top of me.

"We're suppose to be going swimming." I  laughed out as he untied my top.

He kissed my neck gently. "That can wait." He mumbled against it before his lips found mine again.


"Where have you two been?" Briana smiled at me and Chase as she splashed Connor.

My smile felt so big, it was definitely an instant give away. "We... uhm .. we." I looked at Chase.

He didn't seem to care for the conversation, he was too busy getting ready to jump in the lake.

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