4. Old Friends Turn to New Friends.

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"A month? What did you say after he said that?" Briana asked me. We sat at the table waiting on the boys to grab the pizza.

"I haven't spoken to him since. I feel like there's so much he's hiding from me."

Briana looked at me concerned. "You won't know unless you ask."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at her response. What did she expect me to ask him exactly?
"You want me to ask, 'Hey, I feel like you're hiding something. What is it?"

"Something like that." She smiled. holding back her own laugh.

We laughed in unison just as the boys returned with the food.
"Got the food." Connor smiled, staring down at the large cheese pizza.

Chase cut a slice, placing it on a plate handing it to me.

"Thank you." I quickly looked at him before focusing on my pizza.

I took a bite, pulling out my homework. This became an everyday after school activity. Me, Chase, Briana and Conner found a place where we can eat and study.

"Is it your turn with the silent treatment?" Chase smirked beside me.

I looked up at him. Did he think this was some kind of joke.

"I just have nothing to say to you." I breathed out.

He squinted his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Just Drop it. I need to finish this." I pointed to my homework before focusing back on it.

He leaned back in his chair watching my every move.

I looked up at him rolling my eyes. "Please stop staring at me."

"Tell me what I did wrong?"

"Nothing, just drop it." I didn't like us arguing, especially in front of people. "Please."

He stared at me confused.
"Okay, I guess we shouldn't talk when we run into problems." He organized his books slamming them on the table.

I ignored him finishing my English homework.

"Aniya?" Briana spoke. "Calculus. Whats number 6?"

I shuffled through my worksheets, searching for my Calculus homework. "Number six is .....C."

Briana reread the question out loud. "Yeah, C makes sense." She circled the multiple choice.

• • • • • • • • • •

By the time we all finished our homework the sky was dark.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged Briana. "Bye Connor."
We all said our goodbyes before parting ways.

Chase and I got in his car.
"Can you drop me off at home?"

Chase stared at me as he turned on the car. "Am I not invited?"

"I'm really tired." I turned to face the window resting my head on the headrest. "I'm going straight to sleep."

"Okay? I'll take that as a no." He laughed to himself. "So how long am I getting this treatment?"

I rolled my eyes looking back at him. "There's no treatment Chase. I want to be alone, is that too much to ask for?" I wasn't trying to argue anymore.

"I guess not."

We sat in the car, no one saying a word.
He pulled in front of the cafe, unbuckling so he can get out. I got out as well meeting him on the passenger's side.

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