13. A Bloody Mess.

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We walked over to the skiing area. The boys following close behind us.
Briana and I looked around searching for the guys. I spotted Chase laughing with the others and quickly pointed them out to her.
The two boys were too busy talking behind us, they didn't realize they were following us to them.

As we got closer Chase's eyes suddenly land on me. His laugher quickly coming to an end once he seen the boys we were with.

He stood up rushing over to us. "WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY?" He shouted.

I stopped walking, turning around to face Adam. I had to take a few steps back because he was all up on me.

Chase grabbed my wrist pulling me behind him. "Who the fuck are you?" he seized staring down at Adam pissed.

"Babe what the fuck?" Connor walked up to Briana and Reid, confused .

Briana smiled up at the boys who were harassing us. "These boys didn't believe we had boyfriends. And when we told them numerous of times.... they stated they did not care."

That set Chase off immediately, he pushed Adam to the ground.  "YOU DON'T CARE?" Chase fumed as Adam landed hard on the snow.

Adam stood up walking back up to Chase, his pride not letting this go. "Bad ass bitches like that, if you're not with them someone else will be."

Chase threw a punch, most likely breaking Adams nose.

"What the fuck?" Reid rushed to his friends aide. The kid held his nose as it started gushing blood "We're leaving."

"I think that would be best before I punch your ass too." Connor walked up to the boys as they quickly sped off.

"Dumbasses." Connor looked at them run away in disgust.

I looked up at Chase, his breathing heavy as he watched them run off. His nostrils flared while his jaw was clenched shut.
I held his hand. "Thank you."

He looked down at me, his anger still apparent in his face. He kissed my forehead, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Connor smiled down at Briana. "You guys should come skiing now." He chuckled.


"I love snow." I mentioned as we all walked into the cabin.

We sat down in the living room. Ryan smiled as he pointed his finger at me from across the room. "When I first laid eyes on you, I knew you belonged with us."

I laughed turning to Chase, just in time to see his beautiful bright smile form.

His smile contagious making me smile. "What's so funny?" I whispered.

"Nothing. I feel the same exact way." He muttered squeezing my shoulder and pulling me closer. He than kissed my cheek, waking up the butterflies in my stomach.
Come on, how can I not love this kid.
I laid my head on his shoulder as it came naturally.

"Hey guys." Camille walked into the living taking a seat next to Ryan. "How was your snow day?" She stared directly at Chase.

Ryan decided to reply to her question cause nobody else did. "It was fun. Chase punched some guy because he was flirting with Aniya."

Camille looked at us, faking a smile. "Really? How interesting."

"Yup." Ryan awkwardly said.

"That's crazy." Camille sat back on the couch. "Did you guys get a lot of skiing in?"

"Yeah." Ryan took out his phone staring down at it.

"Chase, did you get to compete?" Camille smiled at him.

Chase looked up at her shaking his head. "I didn't get to."

"Dang." She turned her phony smile to me. "You should really see him in action. He's great."

I turned to Chase smiling. "I did not know you competed."

"Oh yeah? I'm surprised. He usually enrolls in the day competition they hold there." Camille answered.

I gave her a small smile. "Maybe next time."

"Yeah." She smiled back titling her head.

Chased leaned over whispering to me. "Wanna head up?"

I smiled, nodding my head. He stood up grabbing my hand, leading us up the stairs.

"Why'd we run up here." I asked him as I sat on the bed.

He closed the door before looking at me. "I like when it's just me and you sometimes." He walked over to his side of the bed, laying back.

He stared at me like he had something to say.
I grinned uncomfortably "What's wrong?"

He shook his head quickly looking away. "Nothing."

I ran my fingers through his hair loving the feeling. "I love when you do that." He scooted down so he could lay his head on my lap.

I laughed laying back as I played in his hair.
"After we graduate and all that. What's your plans?" He asked.

"I don't know." I thought in depth. "I've always imagined taking over the cafe I guess." I thought back to my childhood dream of owning my own cafe.

"What about College?"

"I mean if I really need it, you know to run my business, of course. But if I don't need it, I don't see the point. What about you? I know you dreamed of owning your dads businesses."

"Yeah, of course college and working under him at first, but eventually I'll own a lot of businesses myself." He sighed. "The only difference is I will be a present father, unlike him."

I rubbed his face with my finger tips. "You're going to be an amazing father."

He turned around facing me. "To our beautiful kids." He smiled.

I brought my lips down to his. "Our beautiful kids." I kissed him.


We took a well needed shower before returning back to the group. Everyone sat in the living drinking and playing little games.

"Come join." They called us over.

"You two keep running off." Briana smirked at us.

"Thanks for keeping track." I smiled sitting beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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