7. Senior Things!

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We sat together, eating in silence. It was going just as I expected.
Awkward silence.
No one knew what to say or even how to start off.

"My father has a lot to say and apologize for. Right father?" Chase stared at his dad.

Howard stared back at Chase for a second before looking at me. "Chase is right." He put his utensils down. "I have so much to apologize for." He looked at me smiling "To you specifically Aniya."

I smiled not really knowing what to do. I placed my utensils down as well not trying to seem rude.

"My son..." he started before restarting. "... My only son, I guess I always expected him to follow after me. And I judged you without even knowing you and for that I apologize. I never intended to make you feel like I disliked you, I just thought someone else was better for him."

Chase sighed rolling his eyes.

His father held up his hand, telling chase to let him finish. "But I came to realize, Chase is his own person. And I need to accept and love whoever he does."

My smiled stained on my face. "I accept your apology. I hope we can all eventually get to know each other."

"Me too." He held up his glass before taking a sip.

• • • • • • • • • •

"Thank you so much for dinner." I hugged Maryanne. "It was delicious."

Maryanne hugged me tight. "Thank you for coming. I love having you here." She pulled away smiling before hugging Chase.

I smiled up at Howard as he walked up to me. "Thank you for giving me a redo." He held out his hand.

I took his hand, shaking it. "You're welcome. Thank you for having me." I smiled releasing his hand. I don't know if this guy was genuine, but my guard was not letting up.

"Son. I'll see you later." He patted Chase's back before walking off.

Chase and I walked to his car, getting in.

"Thank you for giving him a chance." Chase smiled at me.

"You're welcome." I smiled back.


I got out the shower drying off and putting on my pajamas. I opened the door walking into my bedroom. My eyes landed on Chase as he laid on the bed on his phone. "You're still here?"

He looked up at me and smiled. "Of course I am, where else would I be?"

I shrugged climbing into bed "I don't know. " Our backs rested against the headboard as we sat in silence.

I wanted to move pass our problems, I guess ignoring them was the way to do so.

"Were you able to get any homework done?" He turned to face me.

"Most of it." I nodded. "You?"

He shook his head. "No, we gotta stop missing our after school homework club." He joked.

"You're the one whose missing them. I only missed today." I pointed out.

"Yeah, I know." He sighed running his hand through his hair. "So much has been going on with my family..." he tried to explain but couldn't seem to finish.

"Chase." I turned my whole body to him, grabbing his hand. "You can talk to me." 

He gave me a small smile. "I know, but these problems with my father stem from something way deeper. I really don't want you in the middle of all this."

I squeezed his hand a little, "You have to let me at least try. I don't want to feel like you're shutting me out."

He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "That was not my intention at all." He kissed my forehead.

Tonight was the first night that felt good in awhile. I feel like I finally got to tell him how I've been feeling.

We finished the night off with some homework and a movie of course.

• • • • • • • • •

It's been a week, Chase and I are still doing good. Everything seemed to be changing but in a good way. Logan and I spoke whenever we saw each other, and so did Camille and Chase.

Me and Chase walked into breakfast hand in hand.

"There's the two love birds." Ryan called out as we approached the table.

"Hey." I said as Chase and I waved, taking our seats.

"No food today?" Ryan questioned.

"We ate already." Chase told him.

"Thanks for the invite." Connor smiled as Briana pretended to be mad beside him.

I laughed trying to grab her hand but she snatched it away from me. "I'm sorry. We'll invite you guys next time."

Chase looked at me like I was crazy before turning to Connor. "If I want alone time with my girlfriend, I'm not inviting you."

"Damn." Ryan laughed. He than turned to me. "Seriously, next time an invite would be nice."

"I got you." I smiled at him.

"You guys are annoying." Chase looked at me. He tried to hold back his smile but couldn't.

He's too cute. I kissed his cheek before turning to our group of friends. "Tomorrows Friday, Senior skip day." I clapped my hands in excitement.

Briana grinned finally talking to me. "What are we doing?"

"Bon fire." Ryan looked at all of us like it was the best idea in the world. "Bon fire tonight at my dads cabin. We can spend the weekend there."

"Weekend at a cabin. Count me in." Briana cheesed standing up. "Are we inviting all Seniors to the Bon fire."

"No." Chase instantly declined.

Ryan gave him a confused look. "Why not? It's senior skip day tomorrow, we should all enjoy tonight."

We all looked at Chase, waiting for him to explain why not.

He looked at everyone before sighing. "Alright. But they can't stay the whole weekend. That'll kill the vibe."

Ryan smiled. "Okay, I'll tell everyone they have to be gone by midnight."


"Hey." Logan sat in his seat next to me.

"Hey." I looked up at him smiling.

"I heard you guys are throwing a Bon fire tonight. For the seniors."

I smiled at him. "You heard right? You want to come? All seniors are invited, so tell Rebecca and them also."

He smiled back at me bumping my shoulder with his. "Will do."

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