2. Same old B.S

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The party was a success, Aniya seemed to have a great time. I'm happy nothing got in the way of her birthday, she really deserved it.

"I have one more surprise for you." I grabbed her hand leading her upstairs to her apartment.

"You've already done so much. The party was perfect and all those amazing presents you got me." She followed behind me.

We walked up the stairs into her apartment. "You deserve it." I lead her into the living room.

Last night I made sure she slept at the Ritz. When she finally fell asleep, I snuck out meeting up with the guys. We spent all night building a huge fort in her living room. Inside was a indoor picnic filled with lots of desserts.

"This is so cute." She looked around at all the lights.

"Should we head in." I held the sheet open for her to enter.

She crawled into the fort gasping at the scenery. "Look at all these Macarons. I love macarons." She picked one up, biting into it.

"And we are watching all the movies of twilight." I held up my computer.

She smiled grabbing her basket of macarons and other snack, cuddling into the pillows.

I laid down next to her, placing a blanket over us. We got comfortable as we munched on our snacks and watched the dramatic series.

"Chase?" She kept her eyes trained on the movie.

"Hm.." I hummed in response.

"What's going on with you and your family? You've been so angry lately." She confronted me.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?" I smiled down at her cute concerned expression.

She shook her head smiling at me. "I know when somethings wrong." She confessed.

"My dad wants to meet with me to talk." I breathed out hating every word.

"And you're not ready for that?" She questioned.

I looked at the movie, trying to make out yes or no. "I don't know. I feel like I want nothing to do with him." I finally admitted.

"I don't think you mean that, I think you're still angry."

"Angry?" I looked back at her. "I don't want someone in my life trying to control my every move."

She sat up, facing me. "I know Chase. But all this animosity will never leave if you don't deal with it."

I rolled my eyes, shoving a macaroon in my mouth. "Well, that's all up to me anyway right?" I turned up the movie so we could no longer talk about this.

"Yeah, I guess so." She laid on the pillow behind her, purposely not trying to touch me.

I looked at her, pausing the movie. "This is why I didn't want to talk about this now."

"Why? I'm fine." She crossed her arms, not trying to seem hostile.

"Than come over here." I gestured for her to lay on my shoulder.

She scooted closer to me, laying her head on my chest. "Press play." She stated.

• • • • • • • • • •

                      Aniya POV

"That all happened on your birthday?"
I nodded answering Briana's question.
"It's been weeks." She sighed. "It's time to bring it up again, especially if you believe it'll start causing problems."

We were currently in first period whispering while Chase and Conner were with their football team taking their college photos.

"I know." I thought about it. "I just don't want to cause a problem by trying to avoid one." This situation really ate at me, I could feel Chase shutting me out. It was like he wanted to deal with everything on his own.

"Aniya?" A voice spoke behind me. I turned around to see Logan.

"Hey Logan, what's up?" I smiled at him.

He sat across from me grinning. "I know we haven't really talked, but I would love to end the school year with us being cool again."

Logan and I ....we are friends. Well, when I see him I say hello and keep it pushing. I feel like after his outburst, our friendship turned more into an acquaintance. "We are cool Logan. No hard feelings."

He nodded, a much smaller smile playing on his face. "So one day...." He slowly let out. ".... we could possibly hangout again?"

I smiled at him, shocked at his request. I mean he already knows how I feel about him, but than there's Chase. "I want to give you a straight up answer because I don't want you to get the wrong idea."

He nodded once again, staring all his attention to me. "Understandable."

"On my end, it might take a little more time for us to get back to old times." I paused. I saw his smile grow a little bigger as he heard the chance.
I continued my response. "And that is if that's even possible, you know how Chase feels about you."

His smile shrunk again as he looked down at his lap before looking back at me. "I know. And I hope to show both of you how much I respect your relationship."

I smiled at him one last time before he walked off.

"Someone shot that boy with a Cupid arrow with your name on it. He just won't give up." Briana rolled her eyes.

"I think it was nice of him to wait a few months before addressing me. I definitely needed that time to think about our friendship."

"You still think he's looking for a friendship?" Briana looked at me confused.

"That's all he's gonna find over here. If he didn't learn that from the last time, I will cut him off completely this time." I smiled.

"Chase is not going to be happy about this."

• • • • • • • • • •

"Hi, my love." Chase bent down kissing my cheek. "I missed you." He sat beside me at the lunch table.

I smiled at him. "I missed you too. Did you like your pictures?"

"Yeah, they came out nice. I'll send you them when I get ahold." He kissed my cheek once more before going to collect his food.

"When are you going to tell him about Logan?" Briana whispered to me.

"When the times right." I whispered back, taking another bite of my burger.

"What the fuck is Chase doing?" Briana's tone of voice now loud and angry.

"What..." I turned around to see what she was looking at.

"Why is he talking to her?" I questioned out loud as I watch Chase casually chatting with Camille.

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