Chapter Eighteen: Let's Play a Game

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Graduation was approaching soon. The intercom at the school announced all seniors to leave class and pick up their graduation orders. Devin didn't order one because he didn't have any money, and he also didn't want to ask Nick for cash. He still felt weird holding the very expensive smartphone in his hand that Nick had bought him within two days.

Devin wasn't used to depending on other people.

Between the baby-care lessons, Nick endorsed driver's education classes, and actual schoolwork- Devin didn't even notice the days flying by. He was going to graduate within the next two weeks. So were Sam and Tanner.

While waiting for Tanner to get back from grabbing his cap and gown, Devin looked at his phone contacts. Nick, Tanner, Klara, and Sam. Devin couldn't believe he had that many people to talk to already.

Devin noticed some movement within his peripheral vision- Dakota had sat next to him. Was Dakota even in this class? Dakota had his cap and gown with him, in his hand.

"Please, God, tell me you have to wear one of these too," Dakota pleaded, he looked at the white and blue gown with disgust.

"I doubt you've ever worn white in your life, huh?" Devin teased. To his surprise, Dakota sort of smirked. Or at least, Devin thought it was a smirk. Devin could hardly tell the difference between Dakota's anger and his amusement.

"It's too bright for my eyes," he mused. Then, after a short pause, Dakota said what he must have approached Devin to say. "Thanks for helping Nick. He told me what you and Sam were planning. You're...not bad. Anymore, at least."

Devin snorted, but said, "Thanks, I guess."

Then the feisty mousy girl showed up at the classroom door. Devin was pretty sure that girl punched him at least once in the fight between Dakota and him. Devin didn't like her all that much.

"What the f**k, Dakota?" she said, then Dakota's other friend showed up beside her, "We were looking for you. Why the hell are you canoodling with him?"

"He's my brother, Soap" Dakota deadpanned.

Soap? Her name was Soap?

"You're name is Soap?" Devin asked, "Is that like your legal birth name?"

Soap, still scrunching her nose from Dakota's reminder that they were related now, glared at Devin with ferocity.

"I don't answer to nincompoops who control their status better than they control their dicks," Soap responded icily, crossing her arms. Devin would have been nice to her if she would have just relaxed, but if she was going to insult him- he wasn't going to take it.

"I bet you wish you had a dick, tomboy," Devin retorted. Mission accomplished: Soap looked livid.

Dakota's other friend- Devin was sure his name was Ethan- stepped in.

"What Soap meant to say was that you've disrespected us for so long, we don't really like you that much," Ethan explained, "And you pretty much just proved our point."

"I didn't ask to be insulted by the devil's spawn," Devin countered, "But I will apologize for my previous self. You didn't deserve to get picked on for your makeup. Soap- I don't even know what Soap is. A lesbian? A tomboy? Transgender? Whatever it is, I'm sorry for making fun of you for being manly and such. I'm dating Sam and all now, so I feel pretty guilty about being insensitive about it. That being said, if you keep insulting me- man, woman, whatever- we will end up fighting. I don't care how much we get along in the future."

"Whatever, dickwad," Soap sneered, "But for your information, I'm nonbinary."

Devin knew he was going to have to look that up later- on his new phone. But for now, he just nodded like he knew what Soap meant. Maybe he would ask Sam at lunch.

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