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Year: 2019 

Location: Pacific Ocean

An Osprey lands smoothly onto an Aircraft Carrier. The hull opens, and the ram makes contact with the Carrier. Out walks a dozen soldiers, all who're in formation, begin marching out to the observation deck. Meanwhile, a lone figure walks out after them, wearing a navy-blue jacket, unbuttoned, revealing a while and orange shirt beneath, as well as a flannelette hoodie tied around his waist, and dark grey jeans, and black shoes with lime green streaks. This person walks out with one duffle bag strapped to his back, and another in his hands. 

He keeps his head down as he continues down a set or two of stairs, then pass through a couple corridors, and into the barracks. There are several naval soldiers, either goofing around, throwing around balls, or some are actually decent and cleaning up both them and their squad mate's dirty barracks. When he steps in, he immediately sets down both his bags in an empty bunk bed, unzips the one he had held by his hand, and pulls out his gear.

 When he steps in, he immediately sets down both his bags in an empty bunk bed, unzips the one he had held by his hand, and pulls out his gear

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(Again, lose the SMG) 

Suddenly, one the of the soldiers, a respective corporal, calls out to him. 

"Adam, how was the last mission?" 

He got up, gear in hand. 

"Swell, to say the least. The target provided some challenge." Adam replied, bored. "Anything interesting go on while I was out, Trent?" Another soldier walks into the barracks, ranked private. 

"Come on, all we get are new faces every other week, just moving supplies and infantry." Vivi, the new soldier that walked in answered. "Plus, it kinda gets more boring with you around." She continued, attempting to poke at Adam, who simply ignored her. 

Adam got himself dressed in gear, and went back into his unzipped bag, pulling out his toys. 

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