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Back on the Aircraft Carrier, 2 hours away from Skull Island...

Another Osprey lands on the deck, with an entire platoon of soldiers to guard the entrance of the Osprey. After the ramp lowers two civilians walk off the ramp and towards the command deck of the Carrier. The platoon of soldiers' salute as they walk past them. 

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A/N: Again, think of them, but much older

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A/N: Again, think of them, but much older.  

Out from another door of the command deck, walks a higher ranked soldier. 


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"Mr. Conrad, Ms. Weaver. It's been a while." The soldier speaks

"We don't care, Barnes. Where's Adam?" The man, James, speaks. Barnes raises his hands in the air, as if to surrender. 

"Alrighty then, quick to the point. Griffins Osprey is back on its way. Mission was costly, but a success." 

"Again Barnes, we don't care. Is Adam alive?" The woman, Mason, spoke sternly. 

"We haven't received word on who made it back." Barnes replied, in a somewhat grim manner. He was about to speak again, but another Osprey landed just several meters from them. After the doors opened, James, Mason and Barnes alike quickly walked over to it. James and Mason were shocked alike to see only 2 soldiers seated, one with basic army gear, and another with no gear on. Adam was laying down, rifle, shotgun, revolver, karambit, tomahawk and gear, all packed away. He had some light bandaging on his head and around his left shoulder. Even for a moment, James and Mason were both glad that Adam survived Skull Island, but worried about his injuries. Mason quickly rushed over to Adams side to check if he's alright. 

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