Reunion Faceoff

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"You gotta be fucking kidding." Barnes remarked.

Adam had the girl on his shoulder, watching as Monster Zero had begun to make his way out of his icy prison. While he brough his wings from underneath the ground, wreaking havoc in his wake, Adam, Wyatt, Mark, Barnes, Martinez and Cogman began running in the opposite direction to where ever Monster Zero was. After a minute of running, they reached Griffins Osprey, finding Serizawa, Vivienne, Foster, Chen, Sam, Collins, Miriam and Stanton strapped in. 

Moments after setting her down, the girl had stirred awake, holding her head in fatigue. 

"Ugh, the hell hit me?!" She spoke before regaining her sight, finding herself in cockpit, sitting next to Monarch agents. She quickly tried to reach for her sidearm, or at least anything with a bullet. 

"Looking for this, sugar-tits?" Wyatt quipped while dangling her Desert Eagle in front of her. "Be grateful Adam here decided not to leave your dumbass behind." 

"The hell do you mean, I would've been-" The girl spoke, but Adam cut her off. 

"Take a look outside, asshole." Adam retorted while pointing towards outside the Osprey. As she stumbled to her feet and stared outwards, finding Outpost 31 destroyed by a gold-clad 3 headed dragon.

"Now, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to go down with that base. Now sit down, shut up, and pray that we all get out of here alive." Wyatt quipped, earning a "hmph" expression for the girl before setting down his gear and taking a seat himself. 

Suddenly, the Osprey shook, along with the frozen ground beneath it. As the controls and turbines began sparking, the monitors glitching, Adam had witnessed Monster Zero vaporize a Monarch team that stay behind to slow the beast down. Even though it didn't even harm the beast, they at least bought them a few seconds of time. Seconds that have already been spent. 

The right head of Monster Zero licked the charred corpses of the soldiers, before the middle head roared at him, making all three focus on the Osprey before making its approach. As everyone watching in terror as it closed in, Foster quickly grabbed a com. 

"This is Raptor One to Argo. Requesting immediate urgent extract. Again urgent extract!" She commanded to the radio. 

"Griffin, get us the hell out of here!" Sam yelled. 

From outside the aircraft, a strange signal is heard by Monster Zero, making the hydra shriek in agitation. The signal came from another Osprey that manage to flee the electrical discharge. As Monster Zero reared its heads and was ready to destroy the Osprey, the signal stopped itself, making the hydra shake it's heads in confusion before focusing back onto Griffins Osprey. 

Each of the different heads began bumping into and ramming the Osprey, terrifying its occupants. 

"Argo, this is Raptor One. We've been hit. All systems are down." Griffin stated into the radio. 

"They can't hear us Grif." Adam remarked before the Osprey suffered another 2 blows by the heads of the hydras. But before they could toy with the aircraft, Monster Zero began to back up. Each of the heads began growling and snarling at each other before looking around the snow-covered areas, almost as if...they sensed something else. 

The team watched in shock as a new signal appeared on the radar. Adam looked out the cockpit to find a blue glow from underneath the ice. Before long, the source of the glow and signal broke through the ice, revealing the mighty, Godzilla. 


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