Team Meeting

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It was all he remembered. The five truest things he reminisced on. The five main things that covered San Francisco. The five great things that pulled him as close to death as possible, in all known ways. He tasted the blood, he heard the fire, he smelled the ash, he felt the rubble, he saw the death. A riddle to his senses, and the five keys to earn a ticket to Jesus. 

And once more, they returned. Tinnitus struck Adam's ears like a freight train. He recoiled in irritation as he stood on a massive void. 

"Argh! Piss Off!" Adam spat through gritted teeth. 

All at once, in a reverse echo, they spoke to him. 


"Damn it! Just shut up, for fuck's sake!" Adam groaned before falling to his knees. However, the voice called out again, but it was far more feminine, and notably angelic. 

"Child, please calm yourself." The womanly voice said, causing Adam's head to jerk up a little. He saw a small light blue and orange ball of light in front of him. He watched as the orb would pulsate in sync to the new voice he's hearing now.

"I would, if you would stop visiting me in my sleep!" Adam said before getting back on his feet, agitated. 

"I wouldn't need to continue to invade your dreams if you'd listen to me, young one." She spoke once more, ever so slightly leaving Adam's tinnitus irritated. 

"Well, out with it, please." Adam reluctantly said with manners included. 

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" She spoke, practically poking at the teenager. "Now, I'm beginning to sense that there is an imbalance in nature. If not properly acted upon, it will worsen. I trust that you and your allies are up to the task?" 

"...Sure, whatever. We'll do what we can." Adam groaned while turning from the multi-colored orb. "Now, does this mean that you'll stop intruding my sleep?"

"As you told me...'No Promises'."  She  spoke once more before fading away with a light giggle. 

"But I never told you that-" Adam spoke in disbelief while turning around to find that the orb had vanished. "-before." 

"Adam." He heard another feminine voice echoed, with a notable British accent. "Adam wake up." 

Adam swiftly snapped back to reality, seeing the inside of Griffins Osprey around him. He then spotted Dr. Graham in front of him, lightly grasping and shaking his shoulders. 

"Come on, wake up, we're nearly there." Graham spoke, causing Adam to groan and mildly stretch. 

"Thanks Doc." Adam said after fixing himself a bit. 

"Just call me Vivienne."


"Glad to see that he's up." Another person spoke up, coming from the cockpit. Adam then saw man in a suit that he somehow completely missed while getting on the Osprey. 


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