Tracking & Beef

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Wyatt was currently leaning on a wall in front of the medical room of the Argo, head held low. Meanwhile the girl who Adam saved, Millie, was currently pacing back and forth in front of him. She wore a red tang-top, a skeleton jacket and brown pants.

 She wore a red tang-top, a skeleton jacket and brown pants

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"Would you please stop pacing? You're gonna stress me out." Wyatt with his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"Sorry, I'm just worried about him. What if he doesn't wake up?" Millie responds, concerned for Adams sake. 

"From what I've read about him, it'll take a horde of Skullcrawlers to put that kid out of commission. You should be worried if you broke my damn jaw." Wyatt remarked while giving her a stern glare. 

"Yeah...sorry 'bout that." Millie said while rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. Wyatt chuckled a little at her apology. 

"Don't sweat it. Been through worse." 

Meanwhile, in the medical room, Vivienne was awake, and was in a chair, while Serizawa was on the other side of a bed, and Cogman was just standing in the corner, menacingly. The person on the bed was Adam, with a bandage over his head and currently wearing a hospital gown. While shifting awake, he found that Vivienne was holding his hand, as her face light up with excitement upon seeing him awaken. 

"Glad to see that you still haven't given out." Serizawa stated while glad to see Adam alive and well, earning a blank stare from the teenager before he began stretching. 

"Uh-huh. How long have I been out?" Adam asked while rubbing his eyes. 

"8 hours. We're on the Argo." Vivienne responded. 

"I'll be on the main deck." Serizawa said before he started to leave, but turned back to add one more thing. "Good job out there." He then left the room and headed off elsewhere. Before the door could close, Wyatt and Millie stepped in. 

"You never cease to impress, kid." Wyatt remarked, while Millie speed-walked to his side. 

"Thanks for bringing me out of that base before it collapsed." Millie thanked him, earning a nod and a thumbs up from the tired teenager. 

"C'mon Mils, let's give this hero some breathing room." Wyatt quipped, earning a smack to the back of the head from Millie. "Oh come on, it's a good nickname." After they both headed out, Adam found that Vivienne was still with him. 

"You know, I didn't tell Serizawa that you saved me. But I'm no less grateful." Vivienne spoke. 

"Think nothing of it. Just doing my job." Adam replied before sitting up. "Now what I do need, is a new pair of clothes." 

Meanwhile, on the main deck...

"Anything on the satellites?" Foster asked to Stanton. 

"Subs have Godzilla hauling ass off of Argentina. We lost Monster Zero in a tropical storm over Brazil. Scanning the entire southern Hemisphere. So far, nothing." Stanton stated while pacing between monitors. 

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