Frostbitten Ballet of Bullets

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Aboard the Argo, Mark, Vivienne, Serizawa and Chen had gathered around a table monitor with images of the titan contained in Antarctica's outpost 32.

"The specimen at this site has been kept entirely off book. And since it's a more recent discovery, our data is limited, but it seems to be another apex predator." Vivienne stated. 

"Emma called it, Monster Zero." Serizawa spoke up. 

"It may have been a rival alpha to Godzilla." Vivienne continued to add. "Battling for dominance over the other Titans." 

"Dr. Chen?" Serizawa said. 

"I've been scouring through thousands of years of myths and legends." Dr. said while swiping through ancient images and depictions of this "Monster Zero". "But it's almost as if people were scared to even write about it." 

"As if it was meant to be forgotten." Serizawa stated, deeply in thought. 

"With a name like Monster Zero, something like this should be forgotten." Mark added. 

"Sorry, I hate to crash the party, but I've got some bad news." Dr. Stanton spoke while advancing towards the group. 

"You could just say news. It's always bad." Barnes quipped. 

"We lost Godzilla. He dropped off the scan near Venezuela." Stanton continued, ignoring Barnes remarks. 

"Dropped off?" Mark asked, uncertain and confused by Stanton's statement. 

"I'm telling you, Dr. Brooks was right. It's a Hollow Earth." Stanton added as he began to geek out. "That's how he moves around so fast, using the underwater tunnels like wormholes. Just zipping around." 

"Everyone, look sharp. We're approaching the base." Foster commanded.

Adam and another soldier had walked into the room. The soldier not only had a SAW, a pistol, a riot shield, a Balisong, an energy knuckle, and a computer in his hands. 

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"Foster, Collins here has volunteered to help attempt to extract and valuable data from the outpost and spring any prisoners before Jonah blows the facility to kingdom come

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"Foster, Collins here has volunteered to help attempt to extract and valuable data from the outpost and spring any prisoners before Jonah blows the facility to kingdom come." Adam stated while gesturing to Collins. 

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