Sky Brawl

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Elsewhere, in an undisclosed location... 

Madison watched as her mother teared up from her verbal fight with Monarchs G-Team and such. However, Jonah had seen her clearly distressed, but rather than being concerned for her well-being, he was more focused on releasing whatever was resting in outpost 56. However, Jonah's son, Asher, walked in with news. 

A/N: Take away the rifle and winter clothing

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A/N: Take away the rifle and winter clothing. And yes, he lived, as Foster didn't take the shot. 

"Containment system bypassed. We're patched in. Ready to broadcast the ORCA." Asher states, earning a nod from his father. In both visual and visceral reluctance, Emma approached the ORCA, which caused Madison to grow rebellious in a way. 

"Mom! Don't!" She protested while walking towards her mother, while Jonah doing so as well to oppose the girl. 

"I'm sorry, did a child just tell you what to do?" Alan mocked when nearing Emma.

"Maybe Dad and Wyatt were right. Maybe this isn't the way." Madison says, clearly not content with her Emma's intentions.

"By all means, Doctor Russell, lets reconsider out entire plan. Especially telling both your friends and probably the planets only surefire shot to coexistence." The old man retorts to befuddle Maddie. 

"Madison we talked about this." Emma said to calm her daughter down. 

"No you said you were gonna help people, that you were gonna let them find shelter." Maddie further speaks, but Jonah slams his hand onto the table in frustration. 

"We don't have time for this. Did you really think this was going to be easy? Painless? Is that what you told her?" Jonah inquires from Emma. 

"Leave her out of this." Emma shoots back, but her retort is ineffective. 

"Why, when you're the one who pulled her into this. Maddison, tell me, what exactly did Mommy sell you on? Some grand utopia? Man and Monster living together in blissful harmony." Jonah says to irritate Maddison's possible response. 

"Alan, they're attempting to lock us out. It's now or never." Asher states. 

"Emma, you came to me. This is your plan. We both want to save the planet but everything is going to die if we don't see it through." Jonah continues to Emma. 

"Please, at least let them get to safety." Maddie pleads, but Emma still proceeds to prime the ORCA. "Mom..." 

"I'm sorry Madison. But this is bigger than just you and me." Just as Emma was about to broadcast the signal, an incoming call is being received. 

"Now who could that be?" Jonah asked, clearly bugged by the disturbance. 

"It's a call from the Argo, but it's not any of the registered numbers of the organization." Asher states while observing a computer screen filled with data banks, cross referencing the incoming call with any known number in Monarch. 

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