Strange Encounter

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"Damn it!" Griffin grunted

"Why the rough ride?!" Adam pleaded. 

Griffin's Osprey rattled as they rushed through the storm. Adam was holding onto the surrounding cockpit while Griffin was firmly grasping the throttle and holding it in place. 

"Damn, don't know how much longer I can hold her!" She groaned further. 

"Want me to take the wheel?" Adam asked. 

"Sure, just hold her right here!" Griffin answered. Adam got up, held the throttle while Griffen began to get up. "Keep her there until we're out of this storm. Once that happens, shift her to a neutral position. I gotta go in the back to tweak a few fuses." 

"Roger that!" With that, Adam was now flying the Osprey. Not like it was much of a problem, he's been taught by Griffin in flight. That, and his father and grandfather took him to runways and given him some flight lessons. Adam at the time thought he was Maverick. 

Soon enough, the Osprey breached through the storm, and the massive, tropical island came into view. 

"Nice job kid." Griffen complimented Adam. 

"Think nothing of it. Just following orders." He replied. 

"Alright, back on course, and out of my seat." 

"Yes ma'am. Cool your jets." 

Adam walked back to his bags, where Benny sat. 

"Alright big man, you know the shit drill. Move please." 

"Yeah yeah yeah, don't need to tell me twice." Benny groaned while getting up. 

Adam then grabbed his toys. He clipped the strap to his rifle and slung it over his back. He grabbed his shotgun and locked it onto his right shoulder blade. After putting his revolver into his into his belt pocket, his karambit into his other pocket, he grabbed his tomahawk and strapped it to the back of his waist. 

As the Osprey flew over the small isles, Adam got some surprised looks from his comrades

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As the Osprey flew over the small isles, Adam got some surprised looks from his comrades. 

"Geez dude, need all that? How old are you?" A male Sergeant asked him. 

"Almost 18 sir." Adam answered. 

"There's no way. You shouldn't even be near this island kid." a female Staff Seargent asked him. 


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