Love, Anorexia Chapter 2

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Since that one night i made Emma cut she's been doing it at least once a day, sometimes three. She would cut her wrists and thighs. Each slice getting deeper and deeper, leaving thin white scars behind when they healed. Sweaters became Emma's favorite type of clothing. Everyday she would wear a sweater. One day her mom told her she had a doctors appointment in a week. Emma was worried. It took more than a week for her cuts to completley heal. The doctor would notice. She would see all her scars. So Emma stopped cutting for a week. At the appointment they weighed her. At 5'0" She weighed 92 pounds. 92 pounds of fat. The doctor definatley noticed her cuts. She was concerned but believed her when she denied cutting, that she didn't even know what cutting was. She hadn't known what cutting was, until i showed her.

She began weighing herself once a day. Her scale wasn't very reliable, off by 5 pounds, but it was the only one she had in her house. She watched as each time she stepped into the scale it went down. In one week she had lost 3 pounds. Of course, Emma was happy, but i was not. If she wanted to reach her goal weight, she needed to lose more. She needed to eat less, exercise more, and lose more. With my help, she would reach her goal weight, 75 pounds.

Emma now weighed 85 pounds. She had lost 2 pounds the next week. I was infuriated. She needed to be losing 4-5 pounds a week, not 2. With the new pressure i was putting on her she began to cut more, all the way up to her elbows, all the way down to her knees. It seemed to work. Emma began to lose 4 pounds a week. But that all changed one day in school.

Emma was in science sitting next to her friends Trinity and Sierra. At the table next to them Ethan and Jackson were sitting. Those were the two trouble makers in the class. Sierra has a crush on Ethan and Jackson had a crush on Emma. He had since the beginning of the year. She had a hard time believing someone would like a fatty like her. It was all probably just a cruel joke. Emma was laughing with Trinity. She could hear Jackson and Ethan whispering next to them.

"Is it about me? "Emma wondered. Probably.

"Hey, bubbles! "Ethan called out. Emma looked around, wondering who he was talking to. He was looking right at her.

"We're gonna call you bubbles, Emma. "Ethan said again.

"Why? "Emma asked. Did it mean she was fat like a bubble, or something else?

"Because, bubbles. "Jackson said. She really hated them, but she tried to ignore them and went back to her project. A few minutes later she heard them whispering again, but this time she could hear what they were saying.

"Bubble butt!" Jackson whispered while laughing uncontrollably.

Bubble butt? Did Emma have a bubble butt? Yes, she did, because she was fat. This was exactly the reminder she needed. She was fat and the only way to fix that was to stop eating. Remember, skinny girls don't eat.


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