7. Jona

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I have to admit, I like this Lando. His boldness at least. Him following me while I know he only found me because of the application process. Him liking a post of me. 

But I'd like to remain professional. He's cute, I can't deny that. But it's not like he's boyfriend material. He's an F1 driver, whom I barely know. He's always being watched by media, by people like me. I could not be part of that life as well. 

The passport control line I'm in, moves slowly. There's just not enough people checking the passports for the amount of people entering the UK. 

I look at my phone. My comment on Lando's like visible on my screen. That is until my focus shifts to the typing signal appears. He's typing. What? 


Lando's picking me up here? Why? Isn't a company like McLaren big enough to send a driver. This is gonna be awkward. 

I sigh. Looking at the 10 people in front of me, waiting for their passports to be checked. This line can suddenly not take long enough. 

After waiting in line for twenty more minutes, I pass the baggage claim, only having my carry-on with me. 

I exit the baggage claim. Apparently I'm looking for Lando Norris. Great. 

I scan the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones, when my eyes land on this goofy looking guy in his orange McLaren t-shirt scrolling away on his phone. 

I walk toward him. "Lando?" I ask as I'm within hearing distance. The boy looks up. "Is it okay if I say Lando?" I ask, suddenly reminding myself that I'm supposed to have an interview with him as well in the coming days. 

"Hi, Jona I suppose?" He asks looking at me. His eyes scanning my body quickly. I nod. "Lando's fine." He answers my previously asked question with a slight smile on his face. "How was your flight?" He asks as he takes my carry-on suitcase from my hands as we walk toward what I assume is his car. 

"It was fine, except for the crying toddler next to me. The kid just would keep his mouth shut." He laughs at my answer. 

"So it was quite the long hour then?"

"It was, but lucky for me I have noise cancelling headphones." I say holding up my black JBL headphones. 

"So this is us," Lando says pointing at a bright orange McLaren. How could it not be. Lando puts my carry-on into the trunk of the car, as I keep my bag pack with me. I walk to the right side of the car, a smirk appearing on Lando's face. 

"What are you doing?" Lando asks as I'm standing at de door waiting for him to unlock it. 

"Getting in the car." I motion with my hands toward the door of what I presumed was the passenger seat. Only to realise that I'm of course  in the UK. 

Passengers sit left. 


"You sure you want to drive." Lando laughs as he sees the realisation on my face.

"Nah, I'm good sitting next to you." I say playfully, quickly walking over to the other side of the car and getting in the passenger side of the car. 

"So," Lando starts a question backing out of the parking lot. "Have you ever driven on the left side?" 

"Nope, so I'm guessing this is gonna be one big mind fuck for me." I say. 

"It will." He laughs. "I've driven in Europe before, the first time was one big mind fuck, but now it's just something I've got to get used to again." 

We turn onto the main road, and I'm immediately met by the fear of crashing into other cars, because we're driving on the WRONG side of the road. At least that's what it feels like. Every now and then I see Lando looking over at me to check out how I'm doing with being on the left side of the road. 

One round about was scaring me so much I was gripping the door, making Lando chuckle in respons.

The drive to the hotel is not that long. And it was definitely not as awkward as I expected it to be. We made some small talk, mostly about traffic in the Netherlands opposed to traffic in the UK.

"So this is your hotel." Lando says, parking the car in front of a much more expensive hotel than I would stay in myself. Lando opens the trunk and gets my suitcase from it. "You're okay from here right?" He asks as he hands me my carry-on. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Have a nice evening." I tell him, walking into the hotel lobby. 

At least meeting him was not that bad. He's quite a nice guy, great to have conversations with I think. 


The next morning I am woken up by my alarm blaring through the hotel room I'm staying in. I twist and turn a bit, before actually getting up and getting ready. 

I decide on my brand new white sneakers, and a white blouse, with dark blue jeans. Not too fancy, not too casual. Exactly how I like it, and if I have to believe the things Charlotte said to me, they want to see the real Jona. 

It's only 8 when I'm done with getting ready. Giving me about an hour for breakfast and getting ready. My driver will be here at 9. If I have to believe Lando, it will not be him. Their usual driver for guest just could not pick me up yesterday.. 

I head down to the breakfast buffet and once I've finished that, I decide to go for a little walk to relax my mind a bit. It's giving me more nerves to be here than I'd like to admit. 

During my walk, I take a couple of pictures of Woking, which I decide to post on my Instagram. Only to be met by a new DM from no other than Lando Norris. 

 Don't tire yourself, lot's of stuff to do the coming days ;) 

I smile at his response. He's just trying to get in my mind. 

I'm back at the hotel at exactly 9, but no McLaren driver in sight yet. I wait until 9.10 but there's still no one there to pick me up. I walk up to the desk, where the receptionist informs me that there also has not been a driver there to pick me up. 

I sigh, realising that I'm kind of stuck here. I unlock my phone looking for Charlotte in my contacts. I dial the number but it immediately goes to voicemail. 

I don't have any other contacts of McLaren. Except Lando's Instagram. 

I open Instagram go to my DMs and open the chat with Lando, quickly pressing the phone button on the right top of my screen. 

He has to pick up. I need to show I want to be there in time. I need to show I want this.

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