50. Lando

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"So you're saying that it actually worked?" I asks Jona in disbelief. She had her meeting with Zak and Alana about tricking Netflix last week, and she has just gotten confirmation that she's cleared to execute the plan.

"Very much." She says a bright smile on her face, as she's holding up her chat with Charlotte. Confirming that Ferrari has given the go ahead as well.

"This is gonna be fun." Lando says. "When will they be following us around?"

"This Thursday. Friday's my birthday, so Emily is flying in. We're flying to Mallorca from here on Sunday as well." Jona says.

"That's completely fine. Any other plans for your birthday?" I ask her. I haven't made plans either, I wanted to leave that up to her.

"Not really, maybe going out at night. Let's see who's in Monaco and wants to join. I know Charles and Charlotte are here, they're staying in Monaco for their vacation."

"Sounds like a plan." I tell her, pecking her lips.


"So what are we gonna do on Thursday?" I ask Charles through the phone.

"Jona likes active stuff right. At least that's the vibe I'm getting." Charles states. "So does Charlotte, so I'm not surprised those two clicked that soon."

"Very true." I say before letting Charles continue.

"So maybe go bowling or something at night? First dinner together?" He suggests and I think about the time we went bowling with Kelly and Max. A small smile forming on my face. Jona really enjoyed that.

"Sounds good. I know Jona's already given them the briefing. They're allowed to follow a night out with friends. So that's all they know. " I explain to him, a cheeky smile on his face.

"This is gonna be so good. I'm gonna laugh so hard when there's two camera crews standing in the restaurant." Charles says laughing already, making me laugh as well.


"Are you ready?" I ask Jona one last time, before walking to the door and letting the Netflix crew in.

"I am." She says, nodding for confirmation.

The first part of the afternoon is spend doing different testimonials. After that Jona and I go for a run, the Netflix crew eager to film that as well. Making sure they got enough footage to properly cover our story.

Jona and I joke around while we're getting ready for our date night with Charles and Charlotte. The Netflix crew thoroughly enjoying our little jokes and banter, as we're both doing our hair.

"Are you ready?" I ask Jona, knowing the answer already as she's still applying mascara.

"Almost." She says, grabbing a lipstick and applying that as well. She puts it away. "Okay now I'm ready."

We get into my car driving to a Japanese restaurant Yuki had recommended we'd have dinner at sometime. He ate here during the GP this year and said it was really good, so let's go there.

I smile as I see Charles' Ferrari already in the parking lot. "Let's do this." Jona whispers to me, placing a small kiss on my cheek.

We walk up to the hostess, "Reservation for Leclerc." I say, knowing Charles made the reservation. From the corner of my eye, I can see our camera crew spot the other crew. Disbelief on their face as they register that they're going to be filming the same thing.

We're led over to the table, where Charles and Charlotte are already seated. Both stand up, Jona and Charlotte giving each other a heartfelt hug, whereas I give Charles one of our handshakes.  "How are you?" Charlotte asks Jona as if she hadn't seen her yesterday.

"I'm great," Jona says. "How are you? Did you work out the thing?"

"Oh totally, we're going clubbing tomorrow." Charlotte says happily. I register the scene in front of me, remembering Jona wanted a VIP lounge in one of the clubs. So we'd have a bit of privacy tomorrow night. "I put it all on Lando's name, that good right?" She asks looking at me for confirmation.

"Definitely," I say. Knowing Jona loves a party, and I have the money to get that done.

I give Charlotte a hug as well, before taking a seat. I can notice both Netflix crews heavily discussing how they can fix the situation at hand. Taking the attention off of us. We're just enjoying our dinner together.

It takes the Netflix crew until our main course to solve the situation. One of the crews is send to wait outside, where as another is capturing us having fun together.

"So Emily is coming tomorrow as well?" Charlotte asks Jona as the waiter is taking away our plates.

"She is," Jona says a smile on her face. I can tell she really enjoys it when she has her friends around her.

"Someone better make sure the club is out of shots then." Charles says making me laugh, thinking about the girls when they went out in Austria.

"I'm pretty confident I won't go over my limits again." Charlotte says confidently, but as she makes eye contact with Jona they both end up laughing.

"I'm pretty confident Charlotte will be drunk the fastest." Jona says, making them laugh even more. Charles and I just look at each other clearly missing the point here.

"Well I'll just be enjoying you two getting drunk, as long as you don't throw up in my car when I get you all home." I tell them remembering very well that neither of them managed to keep their stomach contents inside in Austria.


"STRIKE" Jona yells as she throws her third strike in a row. Making the Netflix crew laugh.

"You definitely practised." Charles says, as it's his turn to throw the bowling ball. Making eight pins fall, resulting in another split. "This is not fair." He sighs, throwing his second ball, making it go in between the two standing pins.

"You just suck." Jona says taking a sip of her iced tea. We all made a pact not to drink alcohol tonight, not wanting to say stupid things on camera.

"I do not." Charles counters.

"Yes you do, you're the only one without a strike or spare." Charlotte says, standing with Jona in this matter. Making Charles looking at her with big eyes.

"I can't believe you're not taking my side." Charles says pouting at is girlfriend.

"Well too bad, chicks before dicks you know." Charlotte says before flipping him off. Grabbing a ball and throwing it in the gutter.

"It's not like your so much better than me." Charles states making us laugh.


"So who is all coming?" Charles asks as we are having lunch together on Friday. Charlotte, Jona and Emily are out for lunch as well for.

"'More people than Jona thinks. So you two of course, Max and Kelly, Carlos and Isa, Daniel, George and Carmen, Pierre and Alex. So pretty much half the grid." I explain.

"How did you make that happen, every one has summer break, you'd expect more people not to be available." Charles asks

"I guess a lot of people just like Jona." I chuckle, but I can't help feeling a little pride that she got accepted into the F1 family so fast.

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