38. Lando

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"So she didn't tell you she tore her ankle ligament?" Charles asks me. 

"No, Alana had to tell me, because she was already on her flight." I sigh, still a little disappointed that Jona didn't call me after the match on Friday. 

"Have you told her that you did not like this?" He asks, noticing the frustration in my body. 

"Nope, and she wil not know." I tell him. I don't want Jona to know that I felt like she didn't trust me. 

"You're fed up with it, she'll realise it definitely." Charles tells me, as we're starting a new game of F1 2022. It's a good way to relax on the Monday after the race. 

"Fine, I'll take your advice. But only because you and Charlotte have been together for like forever." I say, focussing on the game in front of me. 

"Hi," I say to Jona, a small smile on my face. I sit down on the bed next to her. 

"Hi," she says back, putting the book she was reading in away. 

"So I need to tell you something." I say, looking at her seriously. 

"Okay..." Jona answers hesitantly. 

"It's nothing bad, I just need to get it off my mind." I tell her, a sliver of relieve crossing her face. "So I've been a little fed up with you, ever since Saturday morning." 

"Have you?" Jona counters sarcastically. 

"Yeah," I admit. "I felt a little jealous and disappointed that I had to hear from Alana that you were hurt." 

"Oh Lando. Why didn't you say any sooner?" She says, a sympathetic look on her face. 

"I thought I was overreacting." 

"You weren't, it was my mistake as well. I should've told you that I was in the hospital. But when we got home it was already the middle of the night, and when I was boarding the plane I knew you weren't awake yet. I'm sorry, I didn't want to disappoint you." 

All I can do is wrap my hands around her. 

"It's okay, thank you." I tell her, placing a kiss on her lips. 

I want to pull away, but Jona pulls me back in extending the kiss. Our lips move in sync, until Jona pulls away. 

"Gosh, I want to do so much more." She says, looking straight into my eyes. "But the stupid leg." 

"It doesn't have to be a problem." I tell her, placing my lips on hers with intensity again. 


"So you don't have to fly to London at all?" I ask Jona, as I'm packing a bag. I have to be present at McLaren tomorrow for the briefing. We're flying to Azerbaijan on Wednesday. Jona's been at my place in Monaco for the whole week. And I've been taking care of her for all that time. Leaving her here, seems kind of surreal. 

"No, they told me to get as much rest as possible, since I did way too much during the GP. So I do everything via Zoom and fly to Azerbaijan on Wednesday as well." She explains to me for the third time. 

"I'm taking a flight back tomorrow evening, we can fly to Baku together." I tell her, deciding right then and there, that one day in Woking is long enough. 

"But you have media duties on Tuesday." Jona points out, sometimes it sucks that your girlfriend knows your work schedule. 

"But I can skip them." I say, knowing very well that I can't because we're filming content for McLaren's social media. 

"No you cannot." Jona says. "I'm fine on my own here. I spoke to Charlotte, who is in her and Charles' apartment on her own as well. So she's coming over and help me with whatever I need help with."

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