16. Lando

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I look both ways as I get out of Jona's room. No one is there. Great.

I take out my room key and swipe it past the door, when I'm startled by a familiar Australian voice. "Walk of shame!" He quietly yells.

I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Shut up." I tell Daniel as I enter my room en close the door behind me. I do not care about him right now.

I undress myself until I'm only in my boxers and take a seat on my bed. Adrenaline still rushing through my veins.

Daniel being in the hallway definitely did not help that.

I take some deep breaths, I've got to get my head together. Tomorrow I've got stuff to do, track walk, some media things.

After I've calmed my body down a bit, I take out my phone and decide to text one of my best friend Max Fewtrell.

I cannot believe I did this max...

What did you do now?

I kissed her

You kissed who?
The intern?


You are a fucking idiot.

I know..

Max just doesn't answer after that. Letting me sulk in my own stupidity. I definitely don't regret kissing Jona. I've wanted to do that since I first saw her. But I know very well that this might be a one time thing and I've blown my chances for the future. She is focused on getting the internship, which I will absolutely try to help her get. She's not ready for a relationship. Heck, we've never even spoken about relationships. For all I know she's not even single.

Calm down Norris.

Go talk to her tomorrow. Sort it all out. Don't jump to any conclusions you have no idea if they are even true.

It's 9 in the morning when I am woken by someone knocking on my door. I quickly grab the McLaren shirt hanging over the chair and a pair of joggers.

"I'm coming!" I yell to the person waiting on the other side of the door as I try to put on the joggers.

"Jona." I say surprised as I open the door to reveal the girl I had a fun night with yesterday.

"Lando." She greets me, "May I come in?"

"Sure," I tell her opening the door and motioning her to come in. "Just take a seat. Somewhere" I chuckle.

She smiles a bit, taking seat in one of the chairs.

"We need to talk." We then say in unison. Suprise written all over her face.

"You go first." I tell her, already pretty convinced that it's probably all about the same topic.

"Okay, so what happened last night. That can not happen again." I just nod, letting her continue. "I think I like you, to be honest. But I'd like to have a career some time too. And in order for me to achieve what I want to achieve, I really need this internship. I can't be dating someone who has a big influence on me getting that internship. Heck I can't be dating someone that'll probably be grading me at the end of it. We both need to be impartial to do that, and I don't think I can do that when I'm in some sort of a romantic relationship with you. Even if it's just casual."

She's completely in her right to say that. But all that actually stuck with me through her monologue is that she actually likes me. Or at least she thinks she does.

"I understand." I tell her.

"So from now on I'd like our relationship to be professional. I need it to be to get the internship. So I won't be coming to any more parties this weekend."

The Intern || A Lando Norris FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now