17. Jona

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It's been well over two weeks since I've been to Brazil with McLaren. Yet I have no idea if I will be their intern for the next season.

Lando and I have been text a lot, and yesterday he told me that Charlotte and Zak had made a decision and would tell me soon. Staying in touch is not always easy with Lando often in different time zones and me having to finish up a lot of schoolwork. But I'm starting to think we could be great friends some day.

If I've got to believe his messages, he doesn't know anything about it. But I don't believe him, I think he very well knows but just can't share.

It could be positive news, and that why he told me already that they came to a decision. It could as well be negative and he told me to let me mentally prepare for the major let down.

So that's what I've been doing for the past twenty four hours. Trying to over come the fact that I'm convinced McLaren found someone who fits with their team better.

"Are you ready?" Emily asks, soccer bag in hand, as I put my cleats into mine. I decided to join our student soccer team for a match on this nice Friday evening.

"Yeah, hold on, let me get my tape and I'm ready to go." I tell her, grabbing the roll of bright orange tape from my dresser. Just in case my ankle decides to bother me again.

It's nice to be back on the pitch, it's been a while since I could play. But it always feels good. As we do our warm ups our coach yells my name from the sideline. I told her I was awaiting an important phone call, and I guess my phone's ringing now.

Lando's name is written on the screen of my phone alongside the incoming FaceTime call. I quickly pick up, although I'm not sure why. We haven't called after Brazil.

"Hi, Lando," I say as I accept the call, only to realise I'm not only FaceTiming Lando, but also Zak and Charlotte are present.

And here I am wearing a soccer jersey, bright red head and sweat already present from the intense warm-up we did. Probably not the smartest choice.

"And Charlotte and Zak," I add, a little frustrated as I do not want to see them like this.

"Why are you sweating?" Lando laughs.

"Because I'm about to play a soccer match," I tell them all.

"Well, we'll make it quick then." Zak says. "We'd like you to join us for the 2022 season as a PR and social media intern."

They do not.

"Really?" I ask, not believing what I just heard.

"Really." Charlotte says, "We were quite impressed with the work you delivered, but we started doubting because you and Lando seemed to have had a falling out. We wanted to be sure Lando was on the same page as we were. Which is why we took a little longer to make the decision. But we would very much like you to become a part of the McLaren 2022 team."

"Thank you, so much." I tell them.

"Well, we'll leave you to your soccer match, we'll contact you about the details later on." Zak says, as he and Charlotte get out of the room they were sharing with Lando.

"Congrats, Jona" Lando says, a genuine smile on his face. "I'm excited to be sharing more time with you." I can feel my cheeks burning.

"Thanks, I'm exited to be travelling the world with you guys. I'm probably gonna have to move to the UK though, for in between races, won't I?" My mind immediately thinking about all the stuff I have to arrange.

"Don't worry about that, go play your match. Zak will contact you to arrange the rest." Lando says. "And by the way, that jersey looks really good on you." He says before ending our call.

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