*two* When Night Falls

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"We have to move." Oliver said. "We can't stay here forever. The zombies are bound to get through somehow."

"Just a couple more days." Lucis pleaded. "When we leave we can bring some supplies."

"Fine." Oliver said. "A couple more days. But then we have to move." Lucis nodded. He stood up.

"I'll get packing." Lucis said. "There's a lot of stuff we need." Oliver didn't respond, eyes gazing into the distance, not looking at anything in particular. When Lucis left the room, Oliver stood up, chair skidding to the side. Oliver was silent, eyes fixed out the window. Oliver picked up a gun and the ax and walked out the door, avoiding the traps.


"Is the test ready?"


"Good. Start it up."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Of course I am. Start it up."

"Yes sir."

There was a beep as a gloved hand pressed a button.

"Trial 1 commencing. Starting in 3...2...1!"

The sound of moving gadgets filled the room. Something fizzed and broke.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"There's been a system failure! We need everyone to get out! Now!"

The sound of running feet filled the room as people ran for the door. Some sort of gas was filling the room.

"Go! Hurry!"

The clog of people was jamming the door, making it hard for people to get out. The gas reached someone, making them collapse to their knees, gasping and coughing. Their hands clutched their throat which felt like it was closing up. Their pupils dilated and red rimmed their eyes. A green color spread out from the red. Their hands became more claw-like and their teeth sharpened. They gasped, taking their last human breaths. It was the first zombie.




Oliver turned to see Lucis on the steps of the house holding a beat up backpack and duffle bag.

"I'm almost done packing the weapons." Lucis informed his friend. "When I'm done I'll start with the food." Oliver nodded and turned back to the street. Lucis tilted his head, confused. His friend was never usually like this. I wonder what's up with Oliver. Lucis thought. Best leave Oliver alone. My friend doesn't seem in his right mind. Just pissed. That's all. Nothing to worry about. Lucis walked back inside, almost forgetting about the traps. He missed one by inches before he remembered they were there. He cursed under his breath as he maneuvered around them, balancing the full clanking bags.

Oliver heard Lucis close the door behind him. Best leave Oliver alone. My friend doesn't seem in his right mind. What did Lucis mean by that? Oliver's eyes trained the street fingers clutching the weapons.


Two days later the two were ready to leave. Everything was cramped into bags and the traps were gone.

"Is this everything?" Lucis asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Oliver said, studying the bags. "I double checked the rooms and we have everything that we need."

"Ready then?"

"Of course."

Oliver picked up some of the bags and led the way out. The cold air had turned warm. The two friends left the house sitting on the street. The bags were weighing down on their backs as they trudged along. Lucis looked back at the tiny house, mentally thanking it for their protection.

"Lucis!" Oliver called back to him. "Hurry up!" Lucis hurried up, catching up to Oliver.

"Where are we going next?" Lucis asked. Oliver shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess we'll see."


Night, the breeze was cold and the street lights were faint. Lucis and Oliver were on the top of the hill nestled under a tree, huddling together for warmth. The clacking of their teeth was loud.

"We should have stayed back in the house." Lucis said, his voice shaking. "It's a lot warmer back there."

"We... i have to keep moving." Oliver shivered. "Who knows when Zombies will manage to get in there." Lucis laughed lightly.

"You're always thinking a few steps ahead Oliver."

Oliver chuckled. Lucis looked over at his friend. The moonlight was illuminating Oliver's barin face, making it look pale. Oliver's mouth was slightly hanging open in a smile. Lucis smiled and closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep.


That's the first thing Oliver felt when he opened his eyes.

"Lucis?" He said. No response. Oliver sat up. The sun was rising, sending pretty pinks and purples through the grey sky. Lucis was gone and all the bags had vanished with him. "Lucis?" Oliver yelled. Still, nothing. Oliver jumped up, head darting around. "LUCIS?" 

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