*five* Related To a Zombie

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"We have to move." Oliver said firmly.

"But first can we talk about you being related to the first zombie ever?!" Lucis asked.

"No." Oliver answered stokely.

"Why not?" Lucis called, running after them. The scientist followed them in silence. He liked watching people argue. It made him feel good not to be yelled at for once.

"I don't want to talk about it." Oliver said, still leading the group. "If you really want to talk about it, let's do it later."

"But you won't want to do it later." Lucis complained.

"Probably." Oliver said, not looking back. "We're getting out of here. We should have done that a long time ago." They reached the open door.

"Um, Oliver?" Lucis asked, his voice shaking. "Did we ever leave the door open?"

"No." Oliver said. "No we didn't."

"Uh guys..."

The two turned around. There was a zombie. In a lab coat.

"EVERYONE RUN!" The man yelled, pushing the two towards the door. The two didn't argue and ran out with him. The zombie followed them with a slight limp.

"Which scientist is it?" Lucis demanded.

"I don't know!" The man said, running alongside them. "I didn't get a good chance to see their face."

"Well now's a good chance!" Oliver said. "It's right behind us!" It's true, the zombie was inches behind them. It's breath was horrid and putrid, like rotting garlic or rotting corpse (technically it was a rotting corpse but ya know). The man's face paled. It was already pretty pale but now it was paper white.

"I believe it's Carol." He said, voice shaky and falling apart. Oliver paled, eyes widening.

"Run." He said, voice flat but shaky. "Now." The two others ran but Oliver was paralyzed in one spot.

"OLIVER!" Lucis yelled. "RUN!" Oliver didn't respond. "OLIVER!" The zombie reached forward. "OLIVER!" The zombie was inches from Oliver. Its mouth opened wide, moldy teeth broken and missing. Suddenly it coughed out blood into Oliver's face. Oliver's ax had gone into its chest. Oliver let it fall to the ground, his face still petrified. "Oliver!" Lucis yelled running to his friend. Oliver's pupils were dilated and was taking long heaving breaths. "Are you okay?"

"I-I-" Was all Oliver could say.

"Is Oliver usually like this?" The man asked.

"No." Lucis shook his head. "Oliver'd be halfway down the mountain by now." Lucis waved his hand in front of Oliver's eyes. "Hey Oliver, snap out of it we need to go." Oliver nodded and moved slowly to follow Lucis. Slowly they made their way down the mountain. Slowly they made their way away from the dead body of the first zombie. Oliver's great-great-great-great-great-grandmother's dead body. Oliver was still shaky.

"We need to go through the forest." He finally said, eyes fixed forward, still wide. "We need to get distance between us and the house." Lucis had forgotten about the house.

"Let's go back to the house!" Lucis offered.

"No." Oliver said, his old self seeming to come back. "We can't."

"We have too." Lucis said. The man watched them, amused. "It's the best shelter we can think of!"

"No." Oliver said definitely. "We won't." Lucis sighed.

"You really made me do this." He said exasperatedly and grabbed his friend's hand. He lugged him, the scientist following, through the muddy area (Oliver and Lucis promised never to go through there again) and up the hill where Oliver had had the nightmare. They could see the house's street from the hill. Oliver's mouth slightly went up, remembering the time Oliver saved Lucis' life at the house.


When they reached the house Lucis immediately went to turn on the security cameras and set up the traps at the front door. Oliver was boarding the other exits. Lucis looked around the house, smiling. Memories flooded his mind (mostly good) making his smile bigger. It fell when he remembered the scientist.

"Who are you?" He asked. "We don't even know your name."

"My name isn't important." The scientist said.

"Yes it is!" Lucis said. "You know Oliver's name!"

"But I don't know yours."

"I'm not telling you my name, weirdo!" Lucis said. "You know, I actually thought you were sane but being stuck in an empty lab for 75 years won't make you sane."

"I AM NOT INSANE!" The scientist yelled. Oliver ran into the room.

"What's going on?" Oliver demanded, eyes narrowed. The normal Oliver was back.

"Your friend is calling me insane!" The man yelled.

"He's been stuck up in an empty abandoned lab for 75 years!" Lucis said. "Do you really think he's sane?"

"Trust me Oliver!"

"You just met him!"

Oliver looked between the two frantically.

"Oliver!" Lucis pleaded. Oliver seemed to have made up his mind.

"Oliver!" The man said, his voice harsh and loud.

"Get out."


"I said get out."

"I'm not leaving."

Oliver picked up the ax.

"Get out of this house." Oliver hissed. The man stepped back as Oliver stepped forward. "I said get out of this house now. I won't ask again."

"Fine." The man said. He turned, lab coat swishing, and walked out. He almost forgot about the traps. Almost. Lucis smiled at his friend.

"Thank you for believing me." He said.

"I always believe my best friend." Oliver said, smiling back at Lucis. "Always." 

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