*six* Always and Forever

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Pink and purple light shone onto the house, reflecting in the boarded up windows and climbing up the walls. Oliver stepped out, avoiding the traps with learned ease. The cold morning was warming up slightly. Oliver took in a deep breath of the autumn air. Red and orange leaves blew across the street. Oliver smiled and let the cold wind pass by.

"Oliver!" Lucis yelled from inside.

"What is it?" Oliver yelled back, semi-annoyed that the little moment had been broken.

"I need your help! There's a zombie in the back! Go around!"

Oliver jumped into action and ran to the backyard, gripping the double bladed ax. Oliver cut down the zombie with ease.

"Did you get it?" Lucis yelled from inside after the thump of the zombie's body sounded throughout the yard.

"I got it!" Oliver shouted.

"Thanks!" Lucis hollered. "Get inside! Breakfast!"


It was night and Lucis was standing outside the house. It was his turn to be nightguard. He yawned and pulled his jacket tighter around himself. The cold crisp air was keeping him awake. His gun was lying on the ground by his side. Lucis' ears were pecked for the slightest sound and eyes for movement. He bent down and picked up his gun. A bit of air flew through a crack in his jacket. Lucis shivered and returned to his duty. The lights in the house had gone out hours ago. Lucis rubbed his eyes and gave another yawn. Tonight was going to be a long night. He glanced back at the house, yearning to be under the covers of the makeshift bed inside. I have to get this done, Lucis reminded himself. He gripped his gun tighter.


Lucis rubbed his eyes. There were deep dark bags under them. Oliver walked into the room.

"You okay?" Lucis' friend asked, sitting next to him.

"Yeah, just tired." Lucis said, a yawn as evidence.

"I'll watch tonight." Oliver said. "You need rest." Lucis nodded.



Oliver stood up and walked away. Lucis swallowed the last bit of off-brand coffee that Oliver had managed to stir up and followed Oliver out of the room. But unlike Oliver, Lucis went to the training ground while Oliver had headed off to some random room in the house. Lucis didn't care to check. He raised his gun and aimed it at a target.




Lucis jumped, his eyes flashing open. He looked around the darkened room, breath heavy.

"Who's there?" He yelled. "Oliver? Is that you?" There was another slam, it was closer this time. Lucis jumped up, his hand finding his gun instantly. Nothing. Just another slam. Closer. Lucis raised his gun. His eyes finished adjusting to the darkness. The door opened. A figure walked through it. A figure that definitely wasn't Oliver.

"Is anyone in here?" A human voice said. Human. The lights turned on and a boy around Lucis and Oliver's age jumped back at the sight of Lucis' gun.

"Who are you and how'd you get past Oliver?" Lucis demanded, stepping closer to the intruder.

"Who's Oliver?" The boy asked, fear lacing his voice.

"The dude outside! What did you do to him?" Lucis' pointer finger traced the trigger.

"He-he didn't see me..."

"Oh Oliver would see you." Lucis said, advancing closer to the boy. "Who. Are. You."

"My name is Eric." The boy said, stepping away from Lucis and the gun.

"Well Eric, how'd you get inside?" Lucis asked.

"I walked."

"Walked? What about the traps at the front door? What did you do to my friend?!"

"I didn't do anything!" Eric said, hands up in defense. "Please don't kill me."

"I won't kill you unless you tell me what you did to Oliver." Pause. "Now!"

"Okay okay! Just get that gun away from me!"

Lucis stepped back.

"I have this power." Eric explained. "It makes me invisible. And I can also walk through walls. That's how I got past Oliver and the traps."

"Why did you come in here?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?"

"Because you're in my base!" Lucis pushed the gun forward. "Answer my question."

"I don't know." The boy said. "I just saw your friend outside and wanted to come in." Just then did Lucis notice that Eric was skinny and his clothes were tattered. Lucis lowered the gun. Eric's eyes widened at the gesture. "You're going to let me stay?" He asked, his mouth pulled into a big grin.

"Just let me tell Oliver about this first." Lucis said. Eric nodded eagerly. Lucis walked carefully past the traps and opened the door. Oliver looked back at him.

"What is it?" Oliver asked.

"There's a boy inside." Lucis said. Oliver jumped into action, bloody ax raised. "It's okay." Lucis said. "He doesn't want to hurt us. Trust me." Oliver lowered the ax. Eric stepped out of the house and timidly waved, a scared toothy smile crossing his face.

"Hello." Oliver said flatly, eyes glaring at Eric.

"Hello." Eric replied, voice shaking. He looked scared. Correction terrified. He didn't look like he could go up against Oliver even in Oliver's sleep.

"Well." Lucis said, clapping his hands together. "I'm going to actually sleep." 

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