17 wedding

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I woke up earlier then I wanted, thanks to a bad dream. I found myself still in my over sized beanbag. I took my jeans and bra off and climbed into my bed. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep. I kept thinking of the dream. It was so real, the blood the screaming; Melinda was a monster and I knew the Cullen's would have to kill her. The shiver that ran through my body had nothing to do with being cold.

My phone rang; I looked at it sitting on my side table, it was Alice, I knew it was Alice, I also knew if I ignored her she would be in my room in less the 2 min... I rolled over and answered.

"That was a good decision." She said even before I could say hello. You think with a voice like Alice's it couldn't sound evil.

"Hi Alice, I figured you would be too busy to be worried about little old me."

"I am busy, I have a face to put on Bella and food to help with, and you seem to keep over shadowing things. Why am I getting premonitions of your sister being a monster through your eyes?"

"Whose face are you putting on Bella?"

"Arya!" she growled

"It was just a dream; I have no clue why you saw it." I said as I was stretching

"If I saw it sweetie it isn't a dream and you know it wasn't. Talk to you sister get Carlisle involved if you have to, just make sure she doesn't eat any of the wedding guests."

The way she said the last part sounded like a joke but was serious at the same time. As she hung up I could hear her giving out marching orders.

I got up and took a bath; I turned on the jets and tried to relax, I fell asleep in the tub. I woke up to Alice standing over me.

"I take it you saw that?"

"Yes, this needs to stop, you need to find out what is going on or you nightmares are going to become both our realities. Now what was the first part it was blurry for me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Someone was bleeding and her eyes turned red"

Alice stood there rubbing her temples, "She then turned into a wolf and started eating people."

"In the first dream yes, but this one she turned into a wolf and was drinking blood like you would."

Alice looked at me, "What did she do to herself?"

"I do not know but I will have Carlisle take some blood to find out."

"Good I will send him over, I have to get back."

She was gone before I could move. I got out tossed cloths on knowing I was getting my hair done. I entered the kitchen to see Melinda sitting there picking at her food.

"Maybe a glass of blood will make you feel better." It came out snarkier then planned

She just looked at me. "I told Nanette about an hour ago and she hasn't come back downstairs. I guess everyone is mad at me now, maybe I should skip the wedding."

I saw a flash of my dream and knew she needed to be with Seth. Carlisle was next to her before I could speak. Nannette must have let him in.

"Nonsense, you would be missed and Seth would be worried about you." He said

I looked her in the eyes,

"I am worried about you; that's why he is here. I want you to let him draw some blood and watch you tonight after the wedding. I have invited all the girls over; they have made their decisions and maybe spending the night."

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