Dec 1st; Autumn Turns Into Winter

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I do not own any of the characters or places mentioned, I am just having a bit of fun with them for a little while!

This story was written in correlation with MagicofNarnia's posted prompt list, which also does not belong to me.

Edmund, age 12

Edmund was sitting in English class on the last day before Christmas break. It was a cold day in early December, and everyone was eager to be on their way home.

The other boys in his class were all in high spirits, which made the room a bit louder then usual with lots of whispering and snickering. And although their teacher, "Mr Guthrey", was trying to quiet them down, he was not having much success.

Finally, he seemed to give up and went on with his lesson. Edmund did his best to keep his attention on the teacher instead of the conversations of his fellow classmates, even though he was just as eager as them to be out.

Too his right outside the classrooms main window, he could see that the trees had been stripped bare of their beautiful array of leaves which left them bare and somber looking. Even in Narnia it had been this way, and somehow it still managed to be beautiful.

Narnia, oh how he missed it. The beauty and majesty of all of its seasons were each spectacular in there own right, but Winter, like all of the other seasons, had its own special charm that outdid anything he had ever seen here in England.

This would be the first winter back home, sense there return from their golden age rule in Narnia. And every change of the seasons only went farther in showing him how much he missed his kingdom.

Suddenly his teachers voice interrupted the silent conversation he had been having with himself, saying,

" All right boys, before I let you go, I want to read you this poem that is one of my personal favorites about this time of year. I dearly hope you like it, and think about it over the coming weeks. For I believe it holds a lesson for all of us to remember about the importance of winter. A seemingly useless time of year when no crops can be grown and it's difficult to stay warm. Listen;"

"Autumn turns into winter,
and snow is on its way.
The frost has come to hinder,
and the cold has stayed to play.

The trees have shed their leaves,
and firs have donned their snowy coats.
Farmers have taken in the sheaves,
and harvested their oats.

The wind sings in the trees,
As the leaves continue to dance.
The cold makes the water freeze,
and seeing the sun is but a chance.

Long may the winter be,
and cold is the shifting snow.
But in spring we always see,
the plants, they always grow."

There was a moment of silence after Mr Guthrey finished reading the poem as everybody thought about it.

Edmund in particular, was thoughtfully turning the authors words over in his mind. For it seemed to him that this poem, especially those last four lines, were talking about Narnia.

Edmund smiled, a rush of happiness shooting through him unlike anything he had felt sense being in Narnia.

Perhaps being back in England was not all bad. Maybe this was like being in winter were everything was dark and dreary, but would one day turn into spring.

Just in case anyone is wondering, I wrote the poem myself!

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