ROOM ⑥⓪⑨

661 31 37

"Guardian Angel, pure and bright, guard me while I sleep tonight."

prompt: "Why isn't he flying?"

Guardian Angel part 2


As Beau and Luke screamed in horror, the ditch that their little brother was in erupted in flames. Flying pieces of metal spewed out from the ditch and Luke swore that he was looking directly at hell.

Beau scrambled for his phone as he held Jaidon in his arms, and he quickly called for help while Luke covered his face from the burning fire so that he could move closer to the ditch. He safely made it as close as he could have to the ditch and then he began to desperately yell,


Though to Luke's dismay, he received no answer. Only the worried calling from his older brother that said,

"Luke back up! Help is on its way alright? Get over here right now!"

"No! We have to help him Beau! He's down there and he's hurt and scared! Beau listen to me we have to save him!" Luke argued and then tried to get even closer to the burning ditch that had no signs of life in it whatsoever. Beau carefully put Jaidon down, and then told him not to move. Obediently, Jaidon didn't move an inch and perhaps it was because the patronizing fear was enough to make the small child stand still.

Beau coverd his face with an arm, and then began to make his way over to his distressed and desperate younger brother. Once he got close enough, Beau managed to grab Luke by one of the shoulders so that he could turn Luke around to face him.

"I WILL NOT LOSE YOU LUKE! N-not....not you too." Beau had said firmly, yet towards the end of his sentence his voice broke and tears filled his eyes. Luke heard the plea hidden behind Beau's words so, instead of jumping down into the ditch as he originally planned to do, he let Beau pull him away from the flaming fire. Luke cried as he was led further and further away from the fire because, he felt as if he were giving up on Jai. He felt as if he were leaving his little brother to suffer in pain.

Luke's guilty mind and heavy heart were soon put to a slight ease once an ambulance and firetruck arrived at the scene. The flashing lights with loud sirens signified that help had arrived, and some of the paramedics came to attend the boys while asking questions such as,

"Are you boys alright?"

"Do you know what happened here?"

"Is there anyone down there?"

Frustrated by the attention given to him rather than his little brother, Luke said,

"We're fine! Our little brother is down there and you guys have to get him out!"

Grim faces were shared among the paramedics attending the boys, and one of them finally said,

"Boys, it's impossible that anyone down there would have survived the explosion from such a close range. You'll be lucky if they can even find a body. Ashes will be the only thing down there once the fire is put out. I'm so sorry."

He had to be lying! This couldn't be true! Jai told Luke everything would be okay! Jaidon believed that his guardian angel couldn't die! Beau was so certain that he would be able to run a hand through Jai's hair just like he always did before bed time! The boys were so sure that they would be able to bring their baby brother back home!

"No you don't know that! You're lying! I-I need him! Please you have to try!" Luke begged as he put himself in denial.

"Son I'm sorry but-" one of the paramedics was about to speak again but, a small voice interrupted and said,

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