
426 19 17

"Lights will guide you home."

Prompt: The Brooks brothers are on vacation! Sounds fun right? Well, Luke doesn't think so and Jai may or may not have come up with a way to change Luke's mindset.

requested by the lovely  janosgalaxy


"Boys we're almost there, make sure your things are together." Beau, their current guardian for the weekend claimed. The Brooks brothers were currently flying to Svalbard, Norway for a little getaway.

"Can we please get food when we get off? I'm gonna die from starvation." Jai begged, gripping his stomach as it growled. Beau chuckled, and then nodded his head as he replied,

"Sure. First place we see with food, we'll stop and get something."

"Yes!" Jai celebrated, generally enjoying their little vacation so far. Nothing had gone wrong yet, so what was there to complain about?

Luke on the other hand, he'd been thinking about some things, and couldn't help but feel a heavy feeling of sadness upon his chest. He didn't like the feeling, but yet he couldn't shake it off. He couldn't exactly explain the source of his unhappiness, and that made him even more upset! It frustrated him greatly, and overall the feeling of contentment was absent from his mind.

Trying to somewhat figure himself out, he simply stared out the airplane window most of the flight. Therefore, he didn't hear the conversation his two brothers were having so, it startled him when he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder. 

"Luke? What do you think?" Beau asked, trying to gain his brother's attention as he tapped Luke's left shoulder.  

"Bout what?" Luke questioned, having no idea what Beau was talking about.

"Find some sort of snack to eat, check into our hotel, grab a proper meal after that, and then head downtown to the shops?" Beau re-explained.

"Sure. Sounds great." Luke shrugged. Beau expected more of an excited reaction, considering the fact that the Norwegian shops were the only thing Luke's been talking about for the past two weeks or so. 

"You okay?" Beau asked concerned.

"I'm fine." Luke said, avoiding eye contact with his older brother.

"Are you sure?" Beau questioned further, not fully believing his younger brother.

"Beau I said I'm fine!" Luke snapped rather loudly, gathering the attention of some other passengers on the plane.

"Can you guys please not do this here?" Jai whispered to his brothers embarrassed, as he was sitting in between them and could practically feel the tension between the two.

Beau let the little mishap slide, classifying Luke's attitude as exhaustion from the long plane ride. Luke would snap back to his old happy self in no time!

Well, at least that's what Beau thought.

After finding a small snack stand once they got off the plane, happiness was an understatement when Jai saw a simple bag of chips. Drooling at the sight of them, Jai pleaded for the bag of chips and Beau didn't dare say no, afraid the boy would have a freaking panic attack or something if he didn't get the chips. Luke settled for a pack of peanuts, food not being a highlight on his mind, and Beau got a bag of chips similar to Jai's snack choice.

They then checked into their hotel, and were heading up to their room. Jai practically raced up there, and he wanted to do nothing more than throw his suitcase into the room and then run back out to go sight seeing. One of his most favorite things to do.

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