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"You should Appreciate what you have, Before it becomes What you had."

Prompt: The boys are on tour. Luke, Beau, James, and Daniel are hanging out backstage while Jai decided to go back to the tour bus to ask the driver if they can drive around the city for a little bit while they still can. Their tour bus driver decides to do so but, they witnessed something no one ever wants to see.


"Thank You all for coming! Have a great night and we'll see you soon!" Beau yelled to the crowd. The boys then went backstage full of excitement from the show. Luke, and Beau decide to go greet a few fans outside while James and Daniel messed around with other people but, Jai decided to try and see if he could get their tour bus driver to drive him around the city a little before they had to leave to the next city.

He made it to the bus without getting noticed by any fans and somehow got their bus driver, Jack, to agree with the idea. He didn't know Jack very well because, the only time the boys were on the bus was to sleep or travel at night. So, as soon they began to drive out of the parking lot, they began to make small talk. Little did they know, Beau and Luke hopped into a taxi in front of them, to drive around for a little as well.

They drove around a corner but, stopped abruptly behind some cars.

"Why'd we stop?" Jai asked.

"I think there was an accident. Wait a minute?......Isn't that your brother?"

Jai jumped up and ran out of the bus and looked frantically around until he spotted Beau, standing outside of the taxi. In front of him, were two cars. Both were smashed from head on collisions and there was glass everywhere! He ran to Beau and said,

"Beau are you okay? What happened? Where's Luke?!" Jai started to look around again and tears began to well up in his eyes. Beau grabbed Jai by the shoulders and said,

"Jai! Calm down. We're alright. The taxi driver managed to stop the car before we could hit them. Luke went to go see if the men in the other cars are okay." Jai nodded but but then took a look around the scene. Both cars had smashed fronts and glass shattered around them. He saw a man standing outside of which Jai assumed was his own car. He looked shocked and confused. He then saw Luke running back towards both him and Beau. He turned his head so he could see behind Luke's figure and saw man with his head resting on his steering wheel with his eyes open and his head bleeding. Jai didn't think he was okay. He kept staring at the man until Luke began talking to him which snapped him out of his gaze.

"Jai you need to get out of here! There's to much glass around and I need you to call 911 because one man is dead!"

Jai's heart dropped at those words while Beau and Luke's taxi driver began ushering them both back into the taxi while Jai ran back to the bus and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" A female operator asked. Jai was trying to gather his words together until he finally managed to say,

"Um, my name is Jai Brooks and there's been a car accident on..Braxton Road. T-There is man who has p-passed away and w-we need help over here!"

"Sir, calm down help is on the way. Are you injured?"

"No 'mam b-but there is an innocent man that needs help right now!"

"Alright sir we have officials and an ambulance headed over right now."

"Okay, t-thank you."

Jai hung up and slid down into his seat in shock. What did he just witness? He began to shake in his seat and tears began to freely fall down his face. The bus driver looked into his rearview mirror and asked if Jai was alright. Jai just nodded his head but truly, he wasn't. It was literally a split second. The innocent man was just turning around the corner and drove for just a moment before having a head on collision that killed him. Killed him. He didn't have a moment to speak or call for help. It was instant. What if it were his brothers? What if Beau and Luke just happened to turn in front of the innocent man's car? They probably would've been hit instead. That thought made another round of tears roll down his face. He needed to hear their voices because, with everything going on at the moment with the sirens and the flashing lights of the police and ambulance, it was all to much. He needed to know that his brothers were okay. He shakily grabbed his phone from his pocket and Dialed Beau's number.

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