The Coffee Shop

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"There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book then than the page you were stuck on." -Zayn Malik

Prompt: No matter the city, no matter the country, we all know that Jai likes to wake up early and go out by himself to have a look around. Whether it's simply to go sight seeing, or to meet someone at a coffee shop. For all we know, Jai could be learning about other peoples stories. Can he change someone's?

{Note: Part 2 of twitcam is being written. This is just a story for you lovelies to read while it's being finished. Enjoy :) }


It's was about 5 am in the city the Janoskians were visiting for a show, and Jai had no interest in sleeping any longer. It's not that he hated sleep, it's just that he couldn't do it for long without getting annoyed by simply laying there and doing nothing. He couldn't stand it. He slowly got out of bed without waking his brothers and slipped on a jumper, dark jeans, and a beanie. He grabbed a hotel card and made his way out the door. He rode the elevator down to the first floor and walked through the lobby where a female manager was currently at the front desk.

"Good morning sir, it's quit early for someone like you to be awake. Was everything alright?" She politely asked. Jai was surprised by the sudden conversation and he turned to her and said,

"U-um no-I mean yes! Everything was fine.....I to go out. In the mornings." She chuckled and told him,

"Well breakfast isn't ready just yet but, it should be shortly." She smiled.

"Oh that's fine....I wasn't really thinking of food anyway but, now that you mention it, do you know of a place where I could open this early?" Jai asked and She thought to herself for a minute before frowning and shaking her head,

"Hm..I don't know of any open at this hour, other than a coffee shop down the road. It's not that popular so I don't know how it is. You could check that place out?" Jai smiled and thanked her before walking out the door. The sin wasn't up quit yet so, the stars were mixed light rays of sunshine. Jai thought is was amazing, and didn't understand why other people didn't get up early to see this. He walked down a few blocks before coming across a small shop with a coffee mug on its door. He shrugged and cupped his hands over his eyes against the glass to try and see inside.

"You looking for someone?" Jai jumped and turned around towards the voice and saw a girl. She wore a collard shirt with a kaki skirt, like a uniform, and had long curly hair with dark eyes. She smirked and raised an eyebrow,

"Hello? Can I help you find someone?"

"U-uh no. I was just wondering if this place was open. Do you know when they do?" Jai asked.

"Well, it is about 5:25 right now, and it opens at 5:30 but, I can open the door for the both of us already." she smiled. it dawned on Jai that she worked here when she pulled out a key, unlocked the door and dropped her bag behind the counter.

"Is it just you that works here?" he asked. She laughed,

"Goodness no! It's my dad's shop. I just come early to make sure thugs are in order. Which reminds me to ask you, why are up this early? Typically boys your age around here are sleeping."

Jai smirked,

"I'm not a typical boy. Besides, I like to get away from everybody just to think. I don't even know what about, I just have need time to myself. Which reminds ME to ask YOU why a typical girl around here is working in the first place? shouldn't you be sleeping and getting ready for a party or something?" Jai questioned and she laughed again and said,

"I'm not a typical girl. The reason I'm not sleeping or preparing for a party is because I have to keep up the family business." She eye rolled the last part. Jai scrunched his eyebrows in confusion,

"Do you not want to? I mean, is that not what you want to do when you get older?"

"Pfft no! My dream is to travel to other parts of the world and write about them. My dad says that's a ridiculous dream though. Especially with the slow business around here, we wouldn't even have the money for me to buy a ticket. So, you could say I gave up on my dream. I'm stuck here." she said with sadness in her voice. Jai frowned, that wasn't true! So, he sat down at a booth and waved his hand as if asking for a waiter, she laughed and looked confused but, did her job and asked for his order,

"I would like you to never give up on your dream and keep trying. If you don't like where you are, move. You aren't a tree." he said with a smile and she smiled back with happy teas in her eyes. No one has ever told her to actually keep trying, if anything, people always told her to stick with what she knew how to do and to let go of her dream.

"And 2 hot chocolates please?" He added. She nodded, went to the kitchen, and soon returned with a tray with two hot chocolates on them.

"Are you expecting someone?" she asked as she gave him his drink and set the other one across from him. He nodded and said,

"Yes, You. You didn't think I would drink something by myself would you?" she smiled and sat across from him and the two talked for what seems like hours until Jai's phone buzzed and he got a text from Beau, asking where he was. Jai realized it was 8 a.m. and he had talked with this girl for 3 hours!?!

"Shoot, I got to go but how much was it for the drinks?"

"Don't worry about it, it's on me."

"No way! how are you supposed to pay for a plane ticket if you don't start saving?" She stared at him before walking to the cashier register and typing up a bill. She gave it to him and he payed the amount with a tip and signed the receipt. She notices something,

"You don't write with your right hand?"

He chuckled and said,

"Nope, I'm a Lefty. Why?"

"Nothing, it's just, I am to and I thought I was weird."

"It's not weird, there's just something special about us." He smiled.

He left after that and headed back to the hotel. he realized he didn't get her name.


A few months later the boys were traveling from place to place and Jai gave that coffee shop a shout out months previous so, the business there grew immensely!

They were currently backstage for a concert when he saw an open magazine on the dressing room table. It said,

"Isabelle Jackson and her famous blog called 'Dream Traveling' is one of the worlds most visited blogs!

Here's what she says, 'You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. Personally, it's all thanks to a boy I met in a coffee shop I used to work at. He was a lefty Like me." Jai smiled as he read her article. She remembered him and he definitely wouldn't forget his 5 am coffee shop visit.

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