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"Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

Prompt: It was midnight. There wasn't any noise or anybody around but the stars above. Luke and Jai wanted to take advantage of that.

******enjoy (:********

The clock had just struck midnight when Luke and Jai had finally been able to leave the house without disturbing anyone. They walked down the streets without saying a word and enjoying the silence.

At one point, Luke took Jai's hand in his own and they continued their walk. As they did, they ran into a man holding a brief case while trying to hold a lot of papers. They bumped into each other and the mans papers flew everywhere!

"Oh Sh-Jeez! I'm really sorry!" Luke began apologizing and started to help gather the mans belongings. Jai just stared at the man. The man looked exhausted and in a hurry.

"Where are you boys going at this hour?" The man asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Jai replied then helped him gather his things.

"I-I have to get home to my family for a little bit before I go back to work tomorrow..I mean today? Yeah, I guess it would be today since it's midnight.....I have to be back at work at 8 so....yeah." The man said. Jai scrunched his eyebrows and said,

"Why don't you take a day off then? I'm sure your boss wouldn't mind."

"Ha! I wish! There's no way my boss would let me do that. He's way to strict with me."

"Then fix it. Everyone needs a break every now and then." Jai said and the man just looked at Jai with a confused face.

"Why do you care about me? I'm a nobody. I just put bread on the table." the man said.

"Do you have kids?" Jai asked.

"Yes, two."

"Then you're a hero. If you work this hard for them then I would most definitely consider you a hero to them. Some people would give anything to have a dad that cares. Believe me, I would know." Jai said with sadness hiding behind his voice. Luke understood Jai's perspective and held Jai's hand. Luke smiled softly at him before telling the man,

"Maybe you should head on home and spend some time with your family. If you want a change, then do something. If not, then you can just keep running home like a mad man." With that, Jai and Luke went on their way and left the man awestruck.


They walked until they got to the top of a hill. They laid down together on the grass and watched the stars. Jai's head was resting on Luke's chest and he swore he could stay in the position forever.

They laid for hours it seemed until two stars in particular caught Jai's eyes.

"Luke do you see those two?"

He said and gestured to the two brightest stars in the sky.

"Yeah, they're really bright aren't they?"

Jai nodded and added,

"They're right next to each other too! Like me and you."

Luke smiled and they stayed like that until they fell asleep. Together, under the stars, and completely alone. It's everything they've ever wanted.


They woke up the next day and messed around at the top of the hill. They would run around, chase each other, and tackle one another to the ground in laughter. It was a perfect morning over all!

Once they began to get hungry, the two decided to walk back down towards the city to try and find a breakfast shop. As they walked, the passed by a park and they both saw the man from last night! He was playing with his two children on the slides and swings. The man noticed Luke and Jai and he waved with a smile. Jai smiled in return because the man had made the right choice.

They continued their journey until they reached a breakfast shop. They sat and ate, then made their way back home. They walked hand in hand all the way back and they spent the rest. The day watching movies together.

If you noticed, every night that Jai and Luke weren't together, those two bright stars weren't side by side in the sky but, when Jai and Luke were together, those two stars were the brightest in the sky right next to each other. Just like Luke and Jai should be.


Yay! An update for all you lovelies! Thank you for all the sweet comments! They mean a lot to me so I can't thank u all enough <3

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