I Promise You

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"Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love."

Prompt: The boys have grown up. They have their own stories to tell, and Luke is sitting down right now and writing his down. Give it a read...

(Luke's P.O.V.)

//November 15th, 2025//

"As I'm sitting down in my kitchen with a pen and paper, and can't hardly control my hand as it wants to write every single detail down about what's happened these past years.

I can't do that though because, I don't have much time. Trinity has ballet class soon, and she'll be very upset if she's even 3 seconds late. I bet you're wondering who Trinity is yeah? Well, she is my 6 year old daughter. Yes, I have a daughter now and she is absolutely beautiful.

I have two daughters as a matter of fact. My other daughter is named Victoria, but she doesn't do ballet. No, she's into soccer and running around in the rain. She's just turned 9, and she's as wild as ever. I love my girls endlessly, I truly do.

My wife is amazing you know. I have a never ending list of words to describe her beautiful character, but I don't have enough time in this lifetime to write every word down. Can you believe she was once a fan of mine? I can still remember seeing her beautiful face in the midst of all those pretty girls at one of our shows back in the day. I'm a lucky guy, and no one can tell me otherwise.

My older brother is doing well too by the way. Beau has three children. Matthew, Diana, and Stella. Matthew is 12, Diana is 8, and Stella is 7. Beau loves them all more than anything in the world! Whenever he gets payed at work, he buys the best toys for all of his kids. He builds them tree houses in the backyard, washes all of their clothes, rides his bike with them every Thursday, and he prepares them nice meals everyday. He sounds like a mom right? Well, that's because Beau and his wife divorced not long after Stella's birth. They used to fight quite often, and it seemed as though going their separate ways was the best decision for them. They still remain as friends, but Beau won custody over the children. I help him out of course, and our children often have play dates together.

Jai on the other hand, he had been through a lot. He got married around the same time I did, and his wife became pregnant soon after the birth of my second daughter. She was expecting twins, and Jai was the happiest person alive.

Until the day that his wife saw blood coating her bed sheets. Jai tried to remain calm that night, and believe that everything would be alright. He drove his wife to the hospital, tears running down his face as the love of his life screamed in pain.

He didn't know what to think. Were his babies okay? He knew they were expecting a girl and a boy, but right then Jai didn't know what to expect at all.

His wife was taken into emergency surgery for hours. He called Beau and I that night, and we drove over to the hospital without wasting a single second. Our families stayed home at my house because, Beau and I knew that our little brother needed us. His big brothers and no one else.

Jai laid his head on my shoulder for hours, praying that everything would be okay. Beau held his hand, and tried to assure him that the world would keep turning no matter what happened in the next moments. Though, for Jai, the world had stopped when the doctor came out and told him that they couldn't save his wife due to the excessive amount of blood she lost.

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