Chapter 21. dream part 2

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Your POV:
I start to awake from my fall and try to look around at my surroundings. I notice that I am on a twin sized bed with a clock on the wall right across from me, I peer up at it and the time reads 6:00pm, I slowly start to get up but notice something heavy around my ankles and wrist, I took the candle off of the bedside table to get a better look at what it was, my hands and feet were manacled and I could barely move, everytime I would try to make any movement the chains would tighten. I sit here thinking to myself about *what to do, how did I get here, where is Opera and everyone, does anyone know about my whereabouts.* I really hope someone will come and help me out of here soon.

Opera's POV:
  I start to set everything up for what is to come for the next following days. Syringes, medication, and other various things, I start to have strange strings of emotions go through me like, confusion mixed with fear and anger, dread and anxiety came next, and of course you can't forget your best friend of all time, depression. I look around at the room I'm in wondering what landed all of us here to begin with, as I take a seat to think I hear something in Y/N's room I walk over to the two way mirror and look through it, it seems that they have woken up from their slumber, but sadly I won't be there to open their door up to greet them because this is the first test they must pass in order to move on. I sit there watching them while prying they make it through these days of what we call tests because I don't know what I would do with out them by my side, so Y/N please make it, all your decisions and choices leads up to your escape. It's only a matter of time of what will happen next, I love you.

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