Special Chapter

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"So I've read a lot of this in school, and the teacher kept on saying this word." The kid asked beside me. Whose lips are protruding and brows that almost meet at the center. Something that the kid got from a very special person for me.

"And the word is?" I asked, feeling amused as how the kid look with so much confusion written on her face.

"What is love dad?" My left eyebrow arcs at the question, and I chuckle later on.


How am I suppose to explain what love is on a 4 year old kid whose face looks so determined to know what a four letter word means. And even I, a 30 year old grown up man can't find the right words to say.

"Dad?" She calls.

"Listen." I said as I pull the kid closer to me. "I think we should skip on this part, its passed 8 o'clock and that means?" Humming as I look into the kids round eyes, pushing her to continue.

Lira, jumps out of the chair and faced me with a frown on her face. "I know I know its bed time." And I can't help but smile on the cuteness that this kid is showing. "But I really want to know!" Lira said, stomping her feet on the carpeted floor of the living room. Cute isn't she?

"Alright alright hush now lil fella, come back here and I'll tell you, but bed time after this, arasso?" Lira jumps happily, nodding her head as she sat back on the chair beside me. "Ok, here it goes."


What could be the best definition for that four letter word?

Love is not a feeling. Nor a responsibility or obligation over something. Its not like a living organism that grows from everywhere.

Love can sometimes hurt, or bring erroneous feeling. It brings different kind of emotions. The feeling of being want and unwanted. And for some, its an addiction, a destruction.

So what can be the best description for love?

That four letter word is very complex that no one can truly define. Not in a word, nor in a sentence. But if I have to define it on my own, with what my eyes saw, this is what love is...

Love is patient. A heart that truly love someone yearns for only one. Now matter what or when, or who ever comes, a heart that learns to love, desires for only one. A person who loves, understands and respects. It is not forced, nor a second choice. A love that is patient requires endurance and tolerance even in the areas you found intolerable.

Love is kind. Loving someone is not just loving for only one person, but for everyone and everything that is dear to you. A different kind of love, a kind loving heart.

Love does not envy, it does not boast. You share your dreams, attainments and accomplishments with a heart of oneness. Treating your partner with love and respect and not bragging about yourself only and allows each other to grow each day and not to hamper each other's progress.

Love is not proud, it is not rude. It shows humility, and fulfilling the need of each other..

Love is not self seeking, but also looking for the others welfare.

Love is not easily angered. The ones who always communicate, to work things out, to solve whatever complications, together, as a team. As partners.

Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love should not be shown only when it is convenient. It is compassionate, and forgiving.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. True love is not cultivated in half-truths but the whole truth.

Love always Protects, shielding those you love from possible dangers because you love them and you don't want to see them hurt.

Love always trust. Trusting and believing in each other, because thats what love stands for.

Love always Hopes. That unwavering optimism even amidst situations that seem hopeless. A Heart that loves always hopes, and keeps holding on. Hope gives a renewed eagerness to press on as you continue to look for better days ahead.

And lastly, Love always perseveres. Love will endure under all circumstances. "Love beareth all things." When you truly love each other, you will be committed in enduring all the attacks of the enemy come what may.

This is true love, pure, kind, and forgiving.

"Mmkaaay..." the kid pauses, eyes looking at the ceiling. "I still don't get it Dad." And I facepalmed myself laughing internally at this kids cuteness.

"Aigoo! This kid chincha." Ruffling Lira's hair. Then a sound of footsteps from upstairs are emerging.

"Lira??" A woman's voice called.

Lira shot her eyes open as she crawl at my back trying to hide. "Oh no, someone is in trouble." I teased.

Rein, my wife finally reaches our spot, her arms crossed on her chest as her eyes shoot daggers sharper than the real one. "Oh you're really in trouble Jero. What time is it? It's Lira's bed time! What are you guys still doing here!?"

Finally, the little kid emerges out of my back and stick her tongue out before climbing on her moms arms, hugging her shoulders tight, giggling that her mom is scolding me. Where does her naughtiness came from? Of course. The one and only.

"And now its my fault again even thought that lil fella asked for the meaning of love and I had to construct a long explanation only to find out she still don't understand. Ok my fault. Always my fault." I said acting hurt as a lean my back on the chair, crossing my arms and stopping my lips from smiling. The lil smurf giggled more seeing my state. Its so like her.

Rein sat down beside, carrying our daughter on her lap. "Love? How could Lira possibly understand that." She said with an amused laugh.

"Mommy whats is love?" Lira asked once again. My wife looked at me and I just shrugged. Rein looked back at our daughter as she caress her hair.

"Sweetie, love can be everything." Lira remained silent, her focus on her mom. "Do you remember Mama Jennie and Mama Lisa?" The kid smiled and nod happily hearing my moms names.

"I do i do!"

Rein smiled. "Thats whats love is."

Lira on the other hand stops and looked outside of the window before looking back at us with a huge smile on her face. "Now do you understand what love is now?" The kid hums, still smiling. "Good, thats love, and so as your dad, and me and your brother."

"Thank you Mommy and Daddy!" Lira said as she hugged her mom and hugged me after. "So love is eternal."

"Who told you that??" Rein asked. And Lira pointed outside the window, direct at the end of the sea, where the sky and water meet.

"Mama Lisa and Jennie said if I wanted to look for then, just look at the end of the sea, where the sky and water meets, its where they are, Mama Jennie said probably sun bathing." Rein and I almost laugh at what Lira said. Even from afar their sense of humor is hilarious.

Few more talks and Rein sent our daughter to bed, and came back afterwards holding a cups of tea on her hands and handing one to me.

"So what did you tell her?"


"Oh no, are you ready for another story telling?"

"What are you saying?? Thats my favorite part! Actually, the best part."

Rein smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Agreed."


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